Fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, celebrating the feast of St Patrick,16th March 2020. £599.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight with 10kg hand luggage, all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with breakfast and dinner. All entertainment and excursions included. Lunches on days out. Wheelchair accessible rooms. Single room supplement £100. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected]. Knock Pilgrimages is a member of the Travel Trust Association and is fully protected by ATOL T7613.
Author: Jacky
Knights of St Columba Poinsettia Sale
Knights of St Columba Poinsettia Sale: If you have not yet ordered your poinsettia, plants will be for sale after Mass (in the hall if the weather is bad). Every sale will help the Knights to carry on their charitable work. We count on you to assist us to carry on this valuable work.
Crib Offering 2019
Crib Offering 2019: This Christmas our Crib Offering will be donated to the Catholic Children’s Society’s A&B Crisis Fund. This fund provides emergency grants for children and families in our Diocese who are facing a crisis in their lives. Every single penny donated to the Crib will be given out via these grants.
JOY: Dear Jesus, help us focus on you during this busy season. May we stay aware of the joy you bring into our lives. We want to find you in the everyday moments and come with hearts of gratitude to your manger on Christmas. Amen.
Fr Rory Writes
Fr Rory Writes:
It is Gaudete Sunday. Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoice. When our focus settles upon Our Lord Jesus then it is possible, but very difficult to keep this focus upon Jesus. The difficulties and tragedies of life that take place affect our confidence and our trust.
It is very important to place our trust in God first and foremost, and then to discern God’s goodness in spite of the circumstances of life. Since last year when I was writing this, it certainly has been a challenge to me; and remains one. Among the challenges has been not having any drivers licence and all this entails. I could say it has helped in my carbon footprint, and helped me to use my time more constructively. Also, to have a grateful heart for all those who have offered to help me. So please God, it will be productive.
I am grateful for this trip to Ireland, and when I return I am hopeful of starting the process that will restore my license. Please keep me and our parish in your prayers during this Holy time with Christmas approaching so quickly.
Christmas Party
Christmas Party: Once again we are near that wonderful time of year in which we express our thanks and appreciation to all our parishioners in both communities, who have worked so hard over the last year. We would like everyone to come and join us for our Christmas Party on Sunday 22nd December, after Mass at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Please bring a plate of food to share. Look forward to seeing you there.
Knights of St Columba
The Knights of St Columba will meet on Wednesday 11th December at 3pm at St Wilfrid’s Church, Hailsham (in the small hall). All Catholic men are welcome to come.
St Wilfrid’s Church
St Wilfrid’s Church: Please would all who are doing the offertory collections make sure that they count everybody? All who are in the church including the children attending the children’s liturgy, those sitting in the porch, alter servers and Fr Rory. Many thanks.
Thank You
Bridie wishes to thank Fr Rory for the lovely service to bury Edmund’s ashes on 27th. Special thanks must go to Garry for preparing the “grave” in atrocious weather conditions. Thanks also to the girls, Leslie, Maeve, Sheila, Lorretta, Joan and Lulu who prepared the tables so smartly . Cake/goodies, teas/coffee were enjoyed by all.
The KSC and SPUC
The KSC and SPUC thank all those who have been praying the Rosary for the unborn during the past year. Please continue to pray for this intention and we ask everyone across the country to especially pray on the Feast of the Holy Innocents on 28th December, after the Angelus at 12 noon.