Deacon John Writes

Recently we have had several readings from the prophet Jeremiah. On Tuesday he talked about the destruction around him including dead bodies, starving people and sin. We see plenty of this nowadays in the world and like us he weeps but at the same time he does not despair. He turns to God. The psalm on Tuesday when the psalmist sings “O Lord, deliver us” must be our prayer too. We have all seen the news and heard our friends describing one tragedy or sad story from their world. These cause much pain and distress to us and to others and we should all heed Jeremiah’s advice and turn to God. In doing this we are accepting in ourselves our need for God. If we listen we might get a message from Him telling us not to cry tears but instead to carry out some acts of love and kindness to someone in need.

The next day we were reminded in Luke’s story of Martha and Mary to keep things in balance, to play our part in what we do and not look down on those who don’t appear to be doing anything. On Friday we heard of three stories of rejection, which was appropriate for the feast of St.Ignatius of Loyola as he repeatedly told those around him to “find God in all things“ – In beauty as well as in loss and rejection. Let us pray that we will listen to God speaking to us through everything we do and say, thereby speaking His word to all. Next Sunday we hear Paul answer the question “What will separate us from the love of Christ?” The answer is, of course – “Nothing”. The same statement that is, of course, true for everyone – saint and sinner alike – and we must love them all.

With my love for you all.