Deacon John Writes

Have you ever said about something you have been asked to do: ‘What’s the point what difference will it make?’ Well, read the following story think about it, and perhaps take it to your heart!  May we try to bring joy and hope to everyone in need.  Help us to share not only our food and drink but also our joy and compassion.  May we always do what we can, even when we think our efforts add up to so little. One day in the middle of winter a robin and a dove were sheltering from the snow in a fir tree. There had been so much snow that the tree was almost completely covered.  After a while, the robin said to the dove: “Do you know how much a snowflake weighs?” The dove replied: “Almost nothing.” Then the robin said to the dove: “Earlier today, l was sitting on the branch of another fir tree when the snow started to fall. It wasn’t a violent blizzard, just gently falling snow. I had nowhere to go, and nothing better to do, so I decided to count the snowflakes that fell on the twigs and needles of my branch. I had counted up to 3,741,952, and then, when the next snowflake gently landed on the branch, a snowflake that as you say weighs almost nothing the total weight was so much that the branch broke.” Having said that, the robin flew away. The dove thought about this for a while, and then said to herself: “Perhaps there is only one person’s voice lacking for peace to come about in the world.”