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Fr Rory Writes

‘Beautiful Food’

Our outing on Monday morning to Staverton Nursery.  I really enjoyed their food, and I was very impressed by the way they run this enterprise.  What is on offer is excellent, top of the range with an almost limitless supply of trees, shrubs and flowers; although all quite expensive, so it is only those who are serious about their shopping are catered for.  There was not a lot of seats for lounging about, hence I was impressed with the food, I even had some left over for my supper.  If you wanted to socialise you would be better going to a restaurant.  So obviously when the fire destroyed the building they have re-scheduled it very purposefully.  We reduced our allocated time, and I truly      appreciated and enjoyed our outing.  Sincere thanks; as Annette did her mum proud by looking after us in the way that only Joan can do.

How about our own affairs, how fares our parish communities?  Two outstanding events.  First our Corpus Christi, sponsored walk, and then last week our young people who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at the       Cathedral.   Signed by the Holy Spirit, to rise as a new generation; backed up by all the hard work that has taken place over the last couple of years.  Our parish council is beginning to emerge, we can truly look forward to the work that they will do for our future.  My Sister Mary’s book “Love Speaks” provides more beautiful food, divine nourishment.

Margaret Nevill, when she returned the book she said “Thanks so much, Father; so well researched and beautifully written”.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Thurs 25th May went ahead as usual, thanks to Annette & Joan for getting it ready, and Rowena & Team running it for us.  Next afternoon tea will be Thurs 29th June, 2-4pm, St W’s Hall.  £5.  A very French theme after our visit to France.  Do come and join us.

Our next outing is a trip to Staverton Nursery.  Please note the date is this Mon, 19th June, £10 each.  Leaves St Wilfrid’s 10am return 4pm. contact Joan on 07873390944 as we have a few seats left.

Parish Garden Party/BBQ

Parish Garden Party/BBQ on 16th July at 12pm after Mass. We will be having a Tombola so are asking for donations of bottles of drink (alcoholic or not) unwanted gifts in good condition (no bric a brac please).  The tickets are £8 adults, Family ticket £18. Food will be provided as will soft drinks, tea/coffee. Please bring your own alcoholic drinks.

Parish Sponsored Walk

A huge thank you to all who walked last Sunday and to all those who sponsored the walkers.  A really special thank you to everyone who contributed to the banquet and helped us set up/tidy away; so many good helpers.  Also, thank you to David for taking the photo’s.  These will be put onto the website once we have consent from parents.  Dennis had brought a collection of his mothers fans, and my they were put to good use, they will be on sale after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall. What a wonderful buzz of conversations, people meeting people they haven’t seen for some time, especially our over 50’s who came in for a natter.  The confirmation young people led the walk and had their last rehearsal in our church before being confirmed in Arundel Cathedral on 18th June.  We wish them well.  It was so lovely to see so many devoted young Catholics among us.  The future of our religion is assured with youngsters like them.  Hopefully this will become an annual event with us walking to St George`s next year.   Now it is the time for the walkers who have been sponsored to collect their donations.  Once collected please hand in to Jackie in the office or Jean on Wednesdays or Sundays at Mass at St Wilfrid’s. Mary will be collecting at St Georges. 

Fr Rory Writes

A moment of special inspiration and grace from Deacon John’s Homily Sunday last,  ‘The Feast of Corpus Christi’.

Apollo 11 landed on the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969.  Most people remember astronaut Neil Armstrong’s first words as he stepped onto the moon’s surface: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.  But few know about the first meal eaten on the moon.  Buzz Aldrin, the NASA Astronaut had taken aboard the spacecraft a tiny pyx provided by his Catholic priest.  Aldrin sent a radio broadcast to Earth asking listeners to contemplate the events of the day and give thanks.  Then, blacking out the broadcast for privacy, Aldrin read, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit”.  Then, silently, he gave thanks for their successful journey to the moon and received Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, surrendering moon to Jesus.  Next, he descended on the surface of the moon and walked on it with Neil Armstrong.  Aldrin’s actions remind us that in the Lord’s Supper, God’s children can share the life of Jesus from any place on Earth, even from the moon.  God is everywhere, and our worship should reflect this reality.  Buzz Aldrin celebrated that experience on the surface of the moon.  Thousands of miles from earth, he took time to commune with the One who created, redeemed, and established fellowship with him.

A very updated, well fit for purpose replacement for the Corpus Christi procession was our sponsored walk with our shared beneficiary, Foodbank.  The great turn out from the candidates for confirmation which takes place this Sunday at Arundel Cathedral was their energy and gift for life.  A new generation for our future is required.