Easter Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s

Easter Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s:  We started at 10am, Good Friday “Stations of the Cross” led by Teresa and our children, a very simple version enjoyed by us all.  Then into our hall for hot cross buns and tables of activities for the children.  3pm “Veneration of the Cross” led by Deacon John, well attended and moving.  Next our Easter Vigil, Sat at 7pm, starting in the hall then outside, lighting of new fire and decorating the two Easter Candles for both churches.  Then into the darken church, each one holding a lighted candle to begin the lovely service we always look forward to and enjoy.  Easter Sunday Mass absolutely packed out.   Thank Goodness the sun didn’t shine until later, so the “Egg Hunt” got away without melting.  The bag sale was very successful and many of you came in for tea and refreshments, especially the 2 large cakes decorated by Anne.  A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped in anyway towards making our Easter Celebrations so successful.  It is the many willing helpers we have that make these occasions so special.  If you would like to join us, please do let us know, we need you.  Last, but by no means least, Fr Rory, who is the one person who gives meaning to all our services and celebrations, thank you Father.