St Wilfrid’s Children’s Harvest Festival

So much good food was displayed around the altar, as we came into Mass Sunday morning we could see predominately big yellow sunflowers.  The shelves were filled with tins and packages that were given to our local Food Bank.  The theme of course for “CAFOD” was the Environment and Saving our Planet.  Sophie showed us a 3D picture she had made of all the countries that need our help and CAFOD supplies what they really need.  A big thank you must go to Teresa who organised the children and all the many Harvest Goods which were sold outside church after Mass, and raised a record £210. plus the £65.50 from the harvest collection basket.  Our thanks go out to Gerry also, who organised us and the children.  Several people came forward to carry the harvest produce from Altar to Table were it was sold.  Fr Kieran stepped in to say mass as Fr Rory was celebrating with St George’s for their “Life and Faith” Celebration.  From the banter over a cup of tea in the hall afterwards, I think Fr Kieran enjoyed our harvest festival and we were pleased to have him.

CAFOD Family Fast Day

October family fast day is on Friday 1st October with the collection taking place on the following Sunday the 3rd October. This year the theme is ‘Climate Crisis Appeal’ and reminds us of the Climates Talks that will take place in Glasgow, 1st-2nd November, where world leaders with Pope Francis attending, will decide how to respond to the severe climate changes that are affecting our planet and peoples. If you wish you can donate online through the CAFOD website or by using a CAFOD envelope. You can also easily give via text. Text CAFOD10 to 70580 to donate £10*. Or choose to give any whole amount between £1 and £20 by texting CAFOD, followed by the amount you would like to donate, to 70580.

Deacon John Writes

Recently I found the following: Two older men were talking. One of them was bragging just a little bit. “I just purchased the most expensive hearing aid ever made,” he said. “It is imported and is guaranteed for life.” The second man asked: “What kind is it?” The first man answered, “Five past two.” — We can laugh about the hearing loss that comes with ageing. It is a minor problem that will affect most of us sooner or later. In fact, experts predict that years of rock music, leaf blowers, and noise pollution in general will result in millions of baby boomers with hearing loss. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health in the States there has been a stunning 26 percent increase in those suffering permanent hearing loss between the ages of 35 and 60, compared to 15 years earlier. The Gospel on a Sunday in September told us how Jesus healed a deaf man who was mute.

CAFOD Family Fast Day

October family fast day is on Friday 1st October with the collection taking place on the following Sunday the 3rd October. This year the theme is ‘Climate Crisis Appeal’ and reminds us of the Climates Talks that will take place in Glasgow, 1st-2nd November, where world leaders with Pope Francis attending, will decide how to respond to the severe climate changes that are affecting our planet and       peoples. Join us for our Family Mass on Sunday September 26th at St Wilfrid’s to find out more about the Climate Crisis campaign  followed by an opportunity to purchase Harvest Produce in aid of CAFOD. Alternatively, you can donate online through the CAFOD website or by using a CAFOD envelope. You can also easily give via text. Text CAFOD10 to 70580 to donate £10*. Or choose to give any whole amount between £1 and £20 by texting CAFOD, followed by the amount you would like to donate, to 70580.

Over 50’s Afternoon Tea

We are starting back with our over 50’s Afternoon Tea, 2pm – 4pm or 5pm:

Thursday 30th September and thereafter the last Thursday of every month.  Another opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners socially.  Our sales table will be up and running from that date, bargains galore.  If you have any suitable gifts for a table, please leave them in our church porch, labelled “Sales Table” or contact Joan on 07873 390944.  Thank you. Of course both of the above two events are open to our friends at St George’s, as Fr Rory says, “we must get together more”.

St Wilfrid’s Ministries:

We are looking to expand our volunteer team here at St Wilfrid`s so when you are leaving Mass please pick up a volunteers form and see if there is anything you would be able to help with.  We are very short on volunteers due to the fact that most of our volunteers come from the older members of our church community.

Right to

We are currently hiring for a number of positions across media, public affairs, digital and operations. In particular we are looking urgently  to fill positions in our Public Affairs team. If this is of interest to you or you know of someone who might be interested, please see the notice in the porch that gives details of the positions available. We are expecting another attempt from the abortion lobby later this year that will change abortion in the UK.

St Wilfrid’s First Communion Preparation:

St Wilfrid’s is now inviting parents to enrol their children in our First Holy Communion Programme for 2021. In our Diocese, the usual age for receiving this Sacrament for the first time is 8 years of age (children in Year 3 or above.) There will be an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 29th at 6.30pm in the church hall, with a view to starting lessons in October. Please contact Annette Wake 07839571916,  [email protected] or  Teresa Palmer on 07951082592, tpalmer2205@gmail before September 22nd to reserve your child’s place. 

St George’s Celebration of Life and Faith

St George’s Celebration of Life and FaithSunday 26th September 9am Mass, will be a special Mass of remembrance of those we have lost, especially those lost during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will also be a celebration as our community returns to be together again.  We hope as many parishioners as possible will be able to attend.  After mass we will all gather in the remembrance garden where Father will bless the recently planted rose bushes in memory of all those whose lives we have celebrated during the service.  This will follow with a celebratory breakfast, raffle and tombola. 

Don’t let the celebrations end there – our children and their families are hoping you will join them to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying family games, bingo, quiz, and a lunch.  More info to follow but please do put the date in the diary and let others know.  All are welcome. 

Please RSVP – For catering purposes we would benefit from knowing numbers so please RSVP via the list at the back of church or call/text Sandra on 07791 627368. 

St George’s Foodbank Donations

– we are asking all parishioners to continue to support our local foodbank by bringing donations and leaving in the basket at the back of Church.  The September offerings will be taken away following Harvest Sunday on 26th September and we hope to have plenty to give.  Items urgently required are: Tinned Meats/Fish, Jam, custard/rice pudding, Tinned fruit (not peaches), Crisps and Shampoo/Conditioner