The offertory collection over the Easter weekend goes towards the upkeep of Fr Rory your Parish Priest. This collection is only taken twice a year, Christmas and Easter.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Drawing Competition
Don’t forget the competition arranged by Sophie who has brought the website up-to-date and interesting to follow. Adults and children, please draw a picture to do with the subject you would like to see included in our new website. It can be any subject you like. Winners will be announced on Easter Sunday, when the prize of a large Easter Egg will be given and the picture put on our website. Please put your name on the back of the picture. Good Luck.
Easter Mass Times
Maundy thurdsay
M7pm – St George’s – Margaret & Harry Wright & Fr Eric Wright RIP
Good friday
G11am – St Wilfrid’s – Stations of the Cross
3pm – St Wilfrid’s & St George’s- Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
easter vigil
8.30pm – St Wilfrid’s- Holy Saturday, For Fr Rory from all his friends at St Wilfrid’s
easter sunday
9am – St George`s – Priest’s Intention
10.30am – St Wilfrid`s – Parish Communities’ Intention
Altar Server Practice
Altar Server Practice: Could I appeal to all teenage and adult altar servers to attend a rehearsal for the Easter Vigil Service on Good Friday at 5 pm at St Wilfrid’s.
Altar Server Practice: Could I appeal to all teenage and adult altar servers to attend a rehearsal for the Easter Vigil Service on Good Friday at 5 pm at St Wilfrid’s. A minimum of 6 servers required to fulfil all the liturgical activities required for this extremely important Liturgy.
The Children’s Liturgy – Palm Sunday
The children’s liturgy on Palm Sunday at St. Wilfrid’s will include the children examining all the events of Holy Week including……
The children’s liturgy on Palm Sunday at St. Wilfrid’s will include the children examining all the events of Holy Week including the events surrounding the first mass on Holy Thursday – Jesus death on Good Friday and Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It’s hoped as many of the children as possible will attend this.
St George’s Lenten Lunches
St George’s Lenten Lunches: will be available throughout Lent for everyone to enjoy good soup and chatter! Members of both communities are warmly welcomed. Lunches will be on Thursdays, when Mass will be at 11.30am. All soup will be homemade and we will put up menus as we did last year, so please sign up to let us have an idea of numbers. Menus will be available each Sunday for the following week.
St George’s Lenten Lunches: will be available throughout Lent for everyone to enjoy good soup and chatter! Members of both communities are warmly welcomed. Lunches will be on Thursdays, when Mass will be at 11.30am. All soup will be homemade and we will put up menus as we did last year, so please sign up to let us have an idea of numbers. Menus will be available each Sunday for the following week.