Wool for the Baby Unit at EDGH: We are going to have a sales table at St George’s Hall during January 2020, to raise money to purchase wool, so that we may continue to knit garments and blankets for the Baby Unit at the EDGH. All unwanted Christmas presents will be most welcome and any suitable objects. Please give them to Tessa, Cathy or Margaret Neville. Thank you.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
A New Year’s Resolution
A New Year’s resolution suggestion that is easy to keep would be that of giving free gifts to people. The following list of suggestions, which came from Australia, could form the basis of this. I am sure you could think of further ideas yourselves to add to the list.
10 FREE GIFTS YOU CAN GIVE at any time, any day of the year and you can give them more than once!:
1. Gift of Listening
2. Gift of a Sign of Affection
3. Gift of a Note left as a surprise
4. Gift of Laughter
5. Gift of a Game shared together
6. Gift of Doing a Favour
7. Gift of a Cheerful Disposition
8. Gift of Silence
9. Gift of Compliment
10. Gift of Prayer
Fully Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, celebrating the feast of St Patrick,16th March 2020. £599.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight with 10kg hand luggage, all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with breakfast and dinner. All entertainment and excursions included. Lunches on days out. Wheelchair accessible rooms. Single room supplement £100. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected]. Knock Pilgrimages is a member of the Travel Trust Association and is fully protected by ATOL T7613.
Ecumenical Mental Health Project
Ecumenical Mental Health Project: Green for Go! Go for Help! Please see the poster on the Church notice board giving details of services available for people in crisis. This time of year can be difficult for many people, these contacts might help the person sitting next to you in the church or someone you meet in the street. As you leave the church why not take a photo of the poster to store on your phone? If you are interested in the Mental Health Project do get in touch: [email protected]
Knights of St Columba
The Knights of St Columba: wish to thank all the Parish Priests and parishioners for their participation in the Christmas Poinsettia Sale. It was a great success (we sold 122 poinsettia’s, this means that we can make a substantial donation to Children with Cancer. Thank you.
Thank You
Thank you: from Deacon John and Tessa for all the cards, gifts and good wishes at Christmas.
LOVE: Dear Jesus, may the light of your love always shine in our hearts. As Christmas draws closer, we marvel at your great love for us. Let your love transform every aspect of our lives and touch everyone we encounter. Our hearts are open to you, Jesus. Amen.
The weeks of Advent were meant to help us prepare for Christmas. Through the prayers, preparations, and plans that we made, we had the opportunity to think about what it all means. The lighting of the four Advent candles served to remind us of the happiness, joy, hope and peace that we should feel at the coming of Jesus.
Jesus, you bring us hope, and open our eyes to see signs of your presence in our world. You bring us faith, and open our ears to hear your word. You are always with us, and open our hearts to show compassion to those who suffer. May we be full of faith as we prepare our hearts and minds. With Jesus in our midst, may our communities be happy, and even in trials, may we experience a foretaste of the lasting joy you have prepared for us. Help us to cope with troubles and pain without losing our inner peace. Help us to strengthen the weary, to give hope to the discouraged, to care for the poor and weak, and with the gentleness of Jesus to lift up those who are weighed down by the troubles of life. May we find each day worth living through the presence of Jesus with us.
Christmas Holiday Shack
Christmas Holiday Shack: are looking for volunteers to assist with the Christmas Holiday Shack on Saturday 21st December from 11 till 2 at Christchurch, Ropemaker Way, Hailsham. This will be a buffet meal being provided to attendees, assistance required in setting up and clearing away.
Fully Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, celebrating the feast of St Patrick,16th March 2020. £599.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight with 10kg hand luggage, all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with breakfast and dinner. All entertainment and excursions included. Lunches on days out. Wheelchair accessible rooms. Single room supplement £100. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected]. Knock Pilgrimages is a member of the Travel Trust Association and is fully protected by ATOL T7613.