Deacon John Writes

Deacon John writes: There is an internet site called Rivendell which is locally created. This was posted there on Pentecost Sunday and I have been given permission to reproduce it for you.

Some of us may remember a programme on the Radio, or as it was called in those days, the Wireless.  It was called “Listen with Mother.” After some music, a lady would say: “Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.” And she would tell a story.

There is something in the Pentecost gospel about the sequence of events. They remind us that they need to be right before something can happen. Before Jesus says to the apostles Receive the Holy Spirit he says Peace be with you. It is as though they needed to have the peace that Jesus brings, before the Holy Spirit could work in their lives.

So if you are sitting comfortably, I’ll begin.

Once upon a time there was a stonecutter, who each day climbed a mountain to cut stones from the rock. While he worked he sang, because although he was poor, he desired no more than he had, he was content to be what he was, and he lived with peace in his heart.

But one day he was called to work on the mansion of a rich man. When he saw how magnificent it was, for the first time in his life he was envious, and wanted to be someone else. He sighed as he said to himself: “I wish I was like this rich man, then I would no longer have to earn my living cutting rocks all day.” Suddenly he heard a voice saying “Your wish has been granted. From now on, anything you wish for, will be given to you.”

He didn’t know what to make of this, but that night when he returned home, he found the hut he lived in, had become a magnificent mansion. So he gave up cutting stones, and began to enjoy a life of luxury.

One day, when it was hot and humid, he happened to look out of his window and saw the King go by.
He was sitting in the royal carriage, and had servants fanning him to keep him cool. This made him think, “I wish I was a King being kept cool like that.” And immediately, his wish was granted, and he found himself reclining in the comfort and cool of a royal carriage. But the carriage turned out to be hotter than he thought it would be. As he was carried along he looked out of the carriage window, and began to marvel at the power of the sun, whose heat could penetrate even the thick walls of the carriage.

He said to himself: “I wish I was like the sun.” And immediately his wish was granted, and he found himself sending out waves of heat into the world.

But one rainy day, he tried to pierce through a thick bank of clouds, and found he could not. So he wished he was a cloud, and his wish came true, and he was proud of his power to keep the sun away. But then the cloud turned into rain, and he found that a mighty rock was blocking his path, and he had to flow around it. He was so frustrated to find that a mere rock was more powerful than he was, so he wished he was a rock, and his wish came true.

But as he stood tall and powerful on the mountainside, he suddenly heard strange chipping sounds by his feet. When he looked down he saw a tiny human being, who was cutting chunks of stone from the base of the mighty rock. He said to himself: “How can a little creature like that, be more powerful than a mighty rock like me? I wish I was like him.” And immediately, his wish was granted, and he was a stonecutter, going up the mountain to cut stone.

But he found that once more he had a song in his heart, because at last, he was truly content to be what he was, and to live with peace in his heart. This Pentecost, may you all have peace of heart, the sort of peace that as Jesus said, the world cannot give. May the Holy Spirit inspire you to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with God. May God breathe upon you the Spirit of peace, so that wherever you are, and whatever you do,you may always have peace in your hearts and minds.