To continue:

Last week I highlighted the coming of Spring.  New life and a fresh window of opportunity.  To begin with it is a challenge; a challenge of the highest order because of the current climate.  There is no magic process to be called upon.

So it is most appropriate that we are presented in the life of the church with the season of Lent.  The Stations of the Cross have traditionally been an important part of Lenten preparation and devotions.  A memory in my life, is one of my dad doing the Stations of the Cross all the way through Lent.  Because he was very crippled by arthritis, suffering great pain, it was a powerful witness to his faith and the strength that he received from it.

In the wider picture the coronavirus is very crippling, a source of suffering and affliction, many isolated in their sufferings, and people left feeling powerless and not sure what to do for the best.  The constant feedback from the media and also from the immediate environment is anything but helpful.  Normally we could turn to the church for strength and support, but our celebration of funerals highlights the reality of our time.  There have been good moments, and streaming services, meetings and Masses have been a welcome introduction.  But the immediate circumstances of our life means that we cannot satisfactorily feel that what was achieved was good enough, or indeed very helpful.  At the same time they do provide moments of grace and a sense of “the best we can do in the circumstances”.

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, and so it leaves us with immediate decision, thanks be to God.  The vaccination programme with its successful roll out is going very well.  I am grateful to have received my first vaccination and I am very at ease and pleased with the protection that it has given me.  My ears are also full of its limitations that I do not deny.  But with options and choices remaining “stay safe and protect each other”, I am ready to move on within its limitations.  So the ashes which were part and parcel of my childhood school.  The headmaster from when we were five or six year olds distributing them to the whole school.  “Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return”, repeated and repeated, “Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return”, until everyone in the school was done, and then it was the question, who got the biggest daub?

So here we are today.  For many of us who could avail of the great gift of streaming Spiritual Communion has become an important focus.  So our Mass for Ash Wednesday sets the stage for our spiritual process and please God, with one step at a time we will return to near normal circumstances.

The Knights of St Columba

Due to the pandemic, and not being able to attend church, many people have found themselves not being able to access streamed masses on the internet.  The Knights of St Columba have arranged for anyone to use a telephone to hear mass, at only the cost of a local call.  The number to call is – 01642 130 120.

Seasonal Workshop for Children

On Saturday , February 13th, we are inviting the children to join us for  a Seasonal Workshop. This will be held online from 2.30pm for approximately an hour.

There will be games, prayers, activities and friendship. Come and join us as we celebrate the start of Lent.

Children and their families will need to sign up for the session in order to receive the log in details. We will also need an address so we can deliver a pack of helpful materials for the session.  Please register your interest by contacting Sandra on 07791627368, email [email protected] or Teresa on 07951082592 , email [email protected]  

Deacon John Writes

The readings this weekend challenge us to avoid Job’s pessimistic and desperate view of life. He was really low in spirit when he regarded life as all pain and suffering. We must try to accept life with hope and optimism as a precious gift from God, be cheerful, use our lives to do good for others and spend our time, talents and lives for others as Jesus did and as St. Paul did.  The second reading describes Paul to us as a true follower of Jesus, moved as Jesus was by concern for the lost which led him to preach the Gospel without cost to the people, and to serve them with Jesus’ love and fidelity. 

The Gospel teaches us that true discipleship means giving selfless, loving service to others. Mark shows Jesus teaching with authority, exorcising a demon, healing Simon’s mother-in-law and, after sunset curing “many who were sick with various diseases, and [driving] out many demons” The following day Jesus rises early and goes off “to a deserted place” to pray, in order to think about what he has been doing  and to recharge his spiritual batteries.

The message for us is quite simple:  Bringing healing and wholeness is Jesus’ ministry even today. We all need healing for our minds, our memories, and our broken relationships.  Nowadays Jesus is also using counsellors, doctors, friends, or even strangers to carry out his healing ministry. Let us ask for the ordinary healing we need in our own lives. When we are healed, do not forget to thank Jesus for his goodness, mercy, and compassion by turning to serve others in our turn.  Our own healing is fulfilled only when we are ready to help others in their needs and to focus on things outside ourselves.  Jesus found time for prayer, time for healing, and time for reconciliation so we, too, can take up this challenge by sharing love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness with others. 

Fr Jimmy Buckley

There will still be many at St George’s who remember with great fondness Fr Jimmy from Esker Redemptorist Community in Galway. He used to come over to us every summer for several weeks. I found him on line this weekend celebrating Mass at Esker Monastery and wanted to share it with all those who remember him with great fondness. He still has a fabulous singing voice, good and strong! If you want to go on line you can find him if you google Esker Monastery. That will bring you to their website and you can see Mass live or recorded. He doesn’t say every Mass but take a look at the recording for Sunday 24th January and you will see him there. Mass goes out live at 10.55 am.  I have emailed him at Esker to let him know his friends at Polegate will be looking out for him!   He will next stream Mass on 13th and 14th February.

Invited Lent 2021 – The Mission Begins

The Diocesan Formation Team is hosting a mission for you this Lent. It will be the first of five seasons of mission, helping you to explore God’s Invitation to live your life with him.

What is a mission? An opportunity for everyone in the parish to sit back and reflect on the content provided. Season one is a series of programmes that help us to understand exactly how much we are loved by God, and features guest speakers such as David Wells, Eleanor Oliver and David Beresford. You will then be able to join a virtual conversation to meet like minded people and discuss what you have learnt. Visit to find out more.   You, are Invited.