Meal at the Treacle Mine

Meal at the Treacle Mine:  We were down in numbers as many of our friends were child minding or on staycation, as it was the holiday month.  Something I had not realised at the time of booking.  ‘Oops’, nevertheless 12 of us came, plus Fr Rory of course and mostly our friends from St George’s.

It was lovely to catch up on various news items and gossip, as we had not been able to mix for so long, we all appreciated the freedom to see each other and chat.  We agreed to meet up each month for a lunch together.  The next date will be Thursday 9th September, we hope you can make it.

The manager at the Treacle Mine is very happy to accommodate us in our special space away from the other diners and we are treated very well.  This venue is between both parishes and so we will book our tables there again.  Watch this space for further details nearer the time.