DBS Checks and Online Training

As we hopefully will be returning to normal parish life, there is a need for relevant checks to be carried out, i.e. updating DBS checks and online training. 

We will need more volunteers to help, so these checks will be part of the process of restoring life to our parish after Covid.

Deacon John Writes

This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter and is called Good Shepherd Sunday. It is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood, the Diaconate and to Religious Life. The earliest Christians saw Jesus as the fulfilment of the ancient Jewish dream of a Good Shepherd. 

The late Billy Graham, the televangelist, once said in a TV interview: “Pope John Paul II lived like his Master the Good Shepherd, and he died like his Master the Good Shepherd.”  In today’s Gospel, Jesus claims that he is the Good Shepherd and explains what he does for his sheep. 

The Prayer for Vocations which Tessa and I use, is in the form of a Novena from 16th to 24th each month and originates from a promise I made over 20 years ago to a nun who was making her Final Profession, at which Tessa and I were present. It is “Lord Jesus, Word made flesh, you who said to us that if you do not become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God. Teach us to follow in your footsteps, humbly and simply. Send into your Church the Priests, Deacons, Religious and lay people needed to make you better known and loved throughout the world. Amen. 

Please join us in saying this prayer if you can. There may be copies of this prayer in our churches as we have used it in the past and I know some parishioners may have a copy in their handbag, back pocket or prayer book. 

David Curtis RIP

The requiem mass for David will be offered on Friday 23 April at 12 noon.  If you would like to attend, please contact Lulu on 01323 846509 – there are six spaces available.  Burial afterwards at Hailsham Cemetery.


CAFOD:  Thank you for your generous donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day during Lent.   We featured Marian and her son Svondo in Zimbabwe in Lent 2018.  The community vegetable garden that your donations helped provide is growing well and during the pandemic the family has survived on the vegetables.  Your support has also helped to provide soap and handwashing stations in the garden and in family homes.  This is just one of many long-term development projects that CAFOD has funded with the money from that Fast Day. Thank you for your steadfast support.

Divine Mercy Sunday

During Divine Mercy Sunday, Father Rory welcomed into St George’s Church three new Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. The Commissioning took place after the Lord’s Prayer, with a lovely ceremony  conducted by Father when he invited them to make their commitment to this important ministry. It was a very appropriate day to make such an undertaking, as we celebrate the risen Christ and are “united, heart and soul”. The beautiful flowers and the Easter arrangements on the sanctuary lent a poignant touch to this important event in the life of our church.

Deacon John Writes

I came across this story this week.  I thought you might like it.  It does give one some food for thought!

There was once a little boy who always wanted to meet Jesus. One day he was walking home from Sunday school. As he went through the park, he noticed an old woman sitting on a park bench. She looked lonely and hungry, so he sat down and offered part of the chocolate bar he had been saving. She accepted it with a smile. He gave her more of the candy, and she shared a can of root beer with him. They sat together in a very friendly manner, eating and drinking and smiling at each other. When the boy got up to leave, he reached over the woman and gave her a big hug. He walked home smiling. His mother noticed his big smile and happiness on his face and asked, “What did you do today that made you so happy?” “I had lunch with Jesus. And she has a great smile,” he said. The old woman returned to the small apartment she shared with her sister. She too was smiling. Her sister asked her why she was so happy. “I just had lunch with Jesus. And he is a lot younger than I expected,” she said. (John Pichappilly in The Table of the Word.)


Thank you for your generous donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day during Lent. We featured Marian and her son Svondo in Zimbabwe in Lent 2018. The community vegetable garden that your donations helped provide is growing well and during the pandemic the family has survived on the vegetables. Your support has also helped to provide soap and handwashing stations in the garden and in family homes. This is just one of many long-term development projects that CAFOD has funded with the money from that Fast Day. Thank you for your steadfast support.

Mission Supporters

Dear Mission Supporters, through our parish’s Red Boxes, and individuals giving to the Red Box directly (e.g. online and direct debits), St. Wilfrid RC Church raised £837.25 in 2020.  Cheques should be made out to MILL HILL and post it to Red Box, 23 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1NU. For online or bank transfer:  missio.org.uk/redbox.  For credit or debit card donations call Missio on 020 7821 9755. Before too long we hope to collect your Red Boxes again.  Many thanks to you all, and keep well. Doris Jung