In Loving Memory ‘Stephen Robson’ 1st RIP Anniversary 7th-June
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Come Dine With Me – Feasting with Moses & Jesus
Fri 18th-Sun 20th June (Online) : COME DINE WITH ME: Feasting with Moses and Jesus
Led by Viv Randles and Michael Woodward (both Lay Community of St Benedict)
Hanuka, Shavout, Rosh Hashana – come and learn some fresh angles on these festivals and others, which go so far to explain our own. . .
Further information and to book your place online: For enquiries, please email: [email protected]
Fighting Modern Slavery
Fighting Modern Slavery – Steering Group: The latest edition of the Fighting Modern Slavery Newsletter is available to download here Modern Slavery Newsletter Issue 3 ( and also from the diocesan website
The Steering Group is seeking individuals to be parish/deanery Modern Slavey Awareness Ambassadors. More information on what this voluntary role entails from Rosie Read at [email protected]
Are you aged 18-30?
Are you aged 18-30? CAFOD offers a gap year programme called Step into the Gap. As part of the 10-month programme, you will be based in either a youth retreat centre, university chaplaincy or a secondary school chaplaincy team gaining new skills, developing as a leader and gaining work experience. Accommodation and travel expenses are included. Full time placements include stipends. Find out more information including how to apply at
Deacon John Writes
This Sunday is the Feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ and celebrates the last two precious gifts given to us by Jesus:- the Holy Eucharist as our spiritual food on Holy Thursday and Jesus’ mother Mary as our spiritual mother on Good Friday 2) Corpus Christi is the celebration of the abiding presence of a loving God as Emmanuel – God with us – in order to give collective thanks to our Lord for his living with us in the Eucharist. 3) The feast also gives us an occasion to learn more about the importance and value of the “Real Presence” so that we may appreciate the Sacrament better and receive maximum benefit from the Eucharist.
We believe in the “Real Presence” of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist because 1) Jesus promised it after miraculously feeding the 5000. 2) Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist during his Last Supper. 3) Jesus commanded his disciples to repeat it in his memory. 4) “Nothing is impossible for God.”
There are several messages for us in this feast day. Three of these are examples of really good Life messages: 1) Let us appreciate the “Real Presence” of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, by receiving him with true repentance for our sins, due preparation and reverence. 2) Let us be Christ-bearers and conveyers: By receiving Holy Communion, we become Christ-bearers as Mary was, with the duty of conveying Christ to others at home and in the workplace, through love, mercy, forgiveness and humble and sacrificial service. 3) Let us offer our lives on the altar along with Jesus’ sacrifice, asking pardon for our sins, expressing gratitude for the blessings we have received and presenting our needs and petitions on the altar.
A priest called Fr. Denis likes to tell a story about an American paratrooper in World War II who got entangled in a tree and couldn’t get down. He was terribly afraid that he had come down behind enemy lines and would be killed. Then two men dressed in civilian clothes came by so the GI quickly called out, “Can you tell me where I am?” “Indeed we can,” said one – “You are up in a tree.” There was a long pause, and then the paratrooper asked suspiciously, “Are you guys Dominicans?” “Yes, but how could you tell?” The GI replied, “I knew because what you say is perfectly true – but it doesn’t help me to get out of this tree!” Likewise, to describe Catholic belief about the Holy Eucharist by saying that it is the Body and Blood of Christ is true, but not very helpful unless we are convinced of this truth, appreciate this great gift and experience it in our lives.
St.Augustine has an important message for all of us when he wrote: ‘Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.’
Helen Keller died on June 1, 1968
When she was about a year and a half old,
she had an illness that left her deaf and blind.
She couldn’t hear anyone’s voice to copy,
so she couldn’t learn to speak.
She was eventually taught to do so
by a teacher called Annie Sullivan.
Helen Keller graduated from college with honours,
and later visited many countries,
speaking about winning through,
despite difficulties and physical handicaps.
She once said:
“Most of us take life for granted.
Only the deaf appreciate hearing;
only the blind appreciate being able to see.
It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have
until we lose it,
of not being conscious of health
until we are ill.
Use your eyes
as if tomorrow you would be blind.
Hear the music of voices, the song of the birds,
as if tomorrow you would be deaf.
Touch each object
as if tomorrow your sense of touch would fail.
Smell the perfume of flowers, and taste your food
as if tomorrow
you would never be able to smell or taste again.
Make every sense glory in the pleasure and beauty
which the world reveals.Then you will really see,
and a new world of beauty will open up before you.
Urgently Wanted
Someone to help Lulu with our Church garden. Just a few hours here and there. Its a very rewarding job. Lulu and David have done marvellous but now David is in heaven, God rest his soul, its too much for one person. If you feel you would like to help keep our beautiful garden – please get in touch with Lulu (01323846509) or Joan (07873390944). Thank you.
Bereavement Mass
Bereavement Mass: Will be taking place on Sunday 4th July at 3pm in St Wilfrid’s Church and this Mass is for all our parish community. This is our first opportunity to have this Mass and all are welcome, but it is important to book a place either online or by contacting Jackie on 01323 841504. Refreshments will be available in our hall afterwards.
St Wilfrid’s First Confession & Penitential Service
St Wilfrid’s First Confession and Penitential Service: This will take place in St Wilfrid’s Church on Saturday 12th June at 5pm. This service will be open to all parishioners. If you would like to attend, please book a place on our website in the usual way. Thank you.
Sunday 23rd May at St Wilfrid’s
Sunday 23rd May at St Wilfrid’s was Confirmation Day for 2 young parishioners – Tania and Megha. Fr Rory was given permission by our Bishop Richard, to confirm them. Under the limited circumstances (covid) it was a truly special occasion. The girls, dressed in long red dresses, did the readings – very clear voices and with one volunteering for reading in the future. Amazing flowers of red and white, beautifully arranged. And of course Fr Rory looking so smart in his red vestments. All in all a great celebration to the Holy spirit who’s feast we were celebrating. What joy at last, we can mix together again, although limited, things are easing and we can reconnect with each other and hopefully soon to be able to get together over a cuppa in our Church Hall. This is the thing that has been missing, socialising is a must for all.