St John’s Seminary, Wonersh

Many of you will have heard that St John’s Seminary in Wonersh is to close in its present form. The Seminary has served the Church for 130 years and there is great sadness that formation must now end at the site.

Unfortunately there was no new intake this September. With the seminarian body numbering just 17 the community is small, with the building and staffing costs too high to sustain. Arrangements have been made for the remaining seminarians to join the community at Allen Hall, Chelsea in September 2021.

Archbishop John Wilson and Bishop Richard are committed to providing priestly formation that will serve the people of our Dioceses and parishes into the future. St John’s will remain a legal entity so that consideration can be given to the ways in which the tradition of priestly formation established at Wonersh in 1891 will continue.

The Trustees of St John’s are extremely grateful to rectors, staff and seminarians, past and present, and to all those who have supported the Seminary over the years. We ask our Diocesan church family to pray for vocations to the priesthood, keeping our seminarians in their thoughts and prayers over the coming months.

Monday Nov 2nd is All Souls’ Day

Monday Nov 2nd is All Souls’ Day and Mass at St George’s will be 10am followed by Deacon John blessing graves in the Memorial Garden and then at Willingdon Cemetery.  Mass at St Wilfrid’s will be 11.30am.  Fr Rory will celebrate the Mass for St Wilfrid’s Community.   Please inform Margaret Piegrome on 870990 if you wish to attend the 10am Mass at St. George’s On All Souls’ Day.

Fr Rory Writes

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your divine love. 

Send forth your spirit O Lord and renew the face of the earth

Having commenced the streaming of Sunday Mass from our parish community each Sunday, we value this important development.  Lockdown at the beginning of the year was enforced because of the coronavirus, which introduced to us the possibilities of this technology as being particularly helpful and having a good outcome.  My experience of “lockdown”, especially as it happened as we drew close to Holy Week was very beneficial.  It helped me to be particularly attentive to the divine office, with the celebration of Mass giving great emphasis to the scriptures as we progressed through Holy Week.  This brings God’s salvation, and after Good Friday the focus upon the resurrection, the ascension, and especially Pentecost.

How much we need that outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.

Two things:

One: Will be the prayerful celebration of our liturgies, with the appropriate themes that emphasise each event in the life of our journey through the Christian year.

Two: Community; communication will help us build up the community life of our parish.  The children’s liturgy has been a good help in this direction.

The coronavirus exposed our weaknesses, and brought home to me my biggest failure as a parish priest.  When I had an episode with a breakdown in my health and the loss of my driver’s licence, some of my failures became particularly glaring to me.  The great amount of help that I have received, emphasised what I always believed; a body made up of many parts working together, is truly important and is always the way forward to a good outcome.

When I came to the parish, I introduced Leaven Groups for each community, and please God, after the virus is contained we will be able to return to this.  I had been in the process of establishing “The Missing Link” when we lost some great leaders within our communities, but now please God, is the time to return to this.   I am asking three persons from each church to link together to get us off to a good start.

Deacon John Writes

Recently we listened to a reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes about time.  It included the lines: “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for everything under the heavens.” 

Time is a gift from God.  In a little booklet called Living Faith, with a reflection for every day of each year,  Sr. Melanie Svoboda suggested a simple activity as a means of appreciating this gift: “Find a ticking clock.  If you do not have a ticker and if you have access to the Internet Mr Google will find you one if you search “ticking clock sound” Listen to the ticking for several minutes. Do nothing else. Just listen. Do no work of any sort.  Be aware of the ticking sound and the silence between each tick.  Remember, every tick indicates the passing of a moment of time and a moment of your life.

After listening, ask yourself how the experience felt.  Was it calming? Irritating? Boring? Interesting?  Assuming that every tick represents one second, how many ticks have you lived so far? (One year=31,536,000 seconds) How many ticks do you estimate that you have left to live? How have you chosen to spend your ticks so far: sleeping, working, eating, relaxing, talking, listening, reading, playing, praying? Now ask yourself this question: “Is there something you would like to devote more ticks to in the future?”

World Mission Sunday

Sunday 18th October 2020 – Today is World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday supports missionaries who work alongside communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.  By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, you will help missionaries like Sr Nilcéia share the love of Christ with those most in need.  Please pray for the mission of the Church throughout the world and give what you can to this very important collection which will sustain the future of our Church. Please call 020 7821 9755 (office hours) or visit Missio’s website to give a single gift, set up a Direct Debit and Gift Aid your donation, if possible:

Fr Rory Writes

“You are my disciples”                         

                        Fact                                  Faith                                Feelings

The words of Jesus are alive and true as they came down to us through the ages.  So we can acknowledge that fact. 

Faith then is one of the essential ingredients that can bridge the great gap that at a time exists between this fact and our feelings.  This episode with the coronavirus highlights in a very distinct way the drama that is the life of faith.  As the churches have returned to their lockdown in Ireland, the statement by our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, sets the scene for the drama to unfold for us.  Our situation at the moment allows for “steady as you go”.  Streaming our Masses on Sunday is a God sent blessing, and can be a channel of grace as we develop our faith and grow as a community.

When we were first given the challenge to return to church for mass, because I did not have my car the people from St George’s were very active and helpful to me in arranging meetings in the garden and getting the ball rolling.  Margaret Piegrome has also been very pro-active in getting our parish list up-to-date, this is a work in progress.

This sets the scene for us now to grow as a community of faith.  The age profile with the implied complications of being over seventy sets the scene for a new generation.  Streaming of Mass and preparing for our Christmas celebration may be very helpful with this.  Some time ago as we were trying to develop our parish structure.   We established what we called the “Missing Link” as a first step in developing a plan for our way ahead.  We need to renew this link, with me having oversight for, to bring about plans to help us to work together.

Deacon John Writes

In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives a list of lame excuses from the invited guests which they used as reasons for not attending.

The Toronto Star invited teachers to submit excuses they had received from their students as part of a competition. They received these examples: A student explaining why he was late: “I was kidnapped by aliens and interrogated for three hours.” Another student, telling why he had failed to turn in his essay: “The bus driver read it and liked it so much he kept it to show to his passengers.” Another: “I got mugged on the way to school. I offered him my money, my watch, and my penknife but all he wanted was my essay.” Mike, a 14-year old, came up with a “watertight” excuse for arriving at school an hour late with his pants soaked to the knees: “I was just about to board the bus when I found I’d lost my ticket. Since it would take too long to walk to school, I hopped a fence onto a golf course. I headed for a creek that criss-crossed several fairways until I found a likely spot for lost balls. Retrieving three balls from their watery graves, I then made for the clubhouse where I sold the balls for bus fare! And that’s why I’m late.” Mike’s entry won.

We have all been given our wedding garment through our Baptism.We need to keep wearing the wedding garment of holiness. This means we must do good for all the people we know and meet in our everyday lives. We are helped in our efforts through the graces which receive through the other Sacraments. When we attend Mass either through live streaming or in Church and receive Holy Communion we are strengthened in our lives. Our personal prayers at any time of day or night help us to recharge our own spiritual batteries and guide us in our efforts of doing good for those we meet. Listening to God’s Word when we hear the readings nourishes us and help us in our actions. 

Yes, we have all been given our wedding garment ready for the banquet waiting for us in heaven so we must take care to wear it at all times in preparation for the event. Just remember that we do not have automatic entry. We can, however, succeed through our actions.

St George’s Children’s Liturgy Group

The St George’s Children’s Liturgy group enjoyed a, Covid-safe, extended session on Sunday 27th September when they went Rosehip picking.  A glorious crisp sunny day in the fresh air was had by us all and Rosehip Syrup has since been made and will be placed at our altar alongside other delicious homemade conserves for our Harvest service on October 11th. During this pandemic, and within the Covid guidelines of the National Youth Association there are still activities that can continue, and this was one of them thankfully.  All the children involved will carry memories of these types of days out for many years to come, an invaluable way of sharing our faith together during such difficult times.

Love In A Box

This year the Mustard Seed Mission is going ahead with Love In A Box donations, but things will have to be organised slightly differently. There are leaflets at the exit from church for you to use if you are intending to make up a box.  However, we will not have the table of little extras in the hall for you to bolster your box; you will have to fill it yourself.

If making up a box is tricky, we can still help in a couple of other ways.  Perhaps you would be able to make a donation towards the transportation costs? £3,000 is needed for each lorry that makes the long journey across Europe to the areas in most need.  Also, our parish has a team of knitters and sewers who work all year round to provide blankets which join the convoy too.  You may wish to donate some money or double knitting wool towards keeping that good work going.

If you choose to make a donation, please leave your money in an envelope marked LORRY or WOOL and we will make sure it goes to the right people.   However you feel able to, do please help our parish to continue to support the great work that the Love In A Box team does.