Deacon John Writes

We have heard a lot about ‘LOVE’ in the readings this Eastertide. This coming Sunday, the last before the great feast of Pentecost, is no exception. The love of God is not easy to explain to children since they are not able to see it for themselves. Yes, we tell them stories about Jesus and take them to Mass but the concept of believing in something they cannot see can be very difficult. However, we do try to give them something they can see – we give unstintingly of our love which has no conditions attached, and is always there for them to see and feel. This is how children learn what love is. This week let us imagine God whispering to each one of us “I will always love you and have always done so. I know you by your name so take courage, trust me to guide you along the path of love. Love for me and for all you meet.” Always remember that Jesus prayed for us, loved us and hoped that we will be one with him and live in God’s love. We, too, can pray for His love and that we will never fail or forget Him. Let us all think and do like St. Peter did when he said to Jesus, face to face, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”

So, every day, there is something we can all do: Tell him in your prayers