Fr Rory Writes

“The Devine Life of God in Heaven, Father, Son and Holy Spirit”            

The Devine life of God on earth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 

Through our baptism we share in the life of Christ.  The purpose of our parish meeting last Sunday guided by our parish council was how we respond and play a living part in the life of the church.  After the opening prayer I began by opening up the profile of each ministry beginning with welcoming.  You will find a guidance for this ministry of welcome at the back of the church as we begin our journey.

Gerry Palmer highlighted Bishop Richard’s guidelines for the future development of parish life, and brought to our attention when our deanery will have its meetings i.e. in the harvest time of this year.  We have taken an important  initiative which is essential.  An example of this is when we had persons sharing their name with those near them seated in the church, a small step for a good beginning.

The input of our Children’s Liturgy Groups from our two churches, and there is no doubt that they are leading the way, giving us great example.  The carol service was highlighted because of the quality of the reading.  So it highlights the challenge that is necessary to develop this ministry.  Obviously diction and clarity of delivery is important, but there is much more entailed.  A suggested initiative has been brought to my attention for a Lectio Divina Group to  focus on scripture.  Thanks be to God for new saplings and ideas that are happening to develop.