Fr Rory Writes


Our ‘confirmands’ going forth mass made an excellent start to our new year, and it is important to build on it.  This item from our parish confirmation catechists below concerning this coming year helps to build upon their good start.  We need to widen the windows and make it more flexible for all our young people to share in our faith.

“Those who have gone before us” have always been a blessing and a source of strength …. Sometimes just survived.  We have two very special occasions to look forward to.  The first one, please God, will be at St Wilfrid’s on Sunday 15th October at 3pm and the second will be at St George’s on Sunday 5th November at 3pm, when we always remember the Holy Souls.  During the pandemic we lost so many and this gives us an opportunity to remember then again and the treasured memories they left us with.

With grateful thanks to Bob Waters for bring to our attention the Synod of Bishops with the words:-

Many parishioners took part in the local synod consultations in 2021 & 2022 which are leading to the Synod which opens in Rome on 4 October, and will now benefit from our prayers.
Pope Francis has said that without Prayer there will be no Synod. Everyone is invited to pray that the bishops and   others who take part in the Synod will listen to the Holy Spirit so that proposals will spring forth to enable the entire People of God to feel that they are truly participating in the life of the Church, and be witnesses to the newness of the Gospel in our world.