Deacon John Writes

Recently, I have been reading various books about Lent and I thought you might like a selection from these readings from a little booklet by Fr.Thomas J Connery which starts with “Father, another Lent begins. I don’t want to waste it. Help me to put it to good use.”

1. If you want to know how strong your faith is, determine how generous you are. This can be used as a barometer to gauge your faith. Stretch yourself this Lent, make the barometer rise as your generosity grows. Give a little more than you think you can.

2. There is a man in the States who set out to mow a lawn for someone in need in each of the U.S states. He succeeded in2017 and 2018. He did this for the elderly, disabled, single mothers and veterans. You may say “so what that is not a big deal’, but it is for those who receive this favour. He sought out someone in need. We too, are called to help others wherever we can and in whatever way we can- serve others, no matter how simple the service may be.

3. There is the story of a woman who claimed that God was talking to her. She said this to a priest who was visiting her, who said “I want to find out if what you hear God say to you is only in your imagination. To prove it want you to ask God to name the three of the sins I confessed to the Bishop this morning. If you can name those sins I will believe that you really are in conversation with God.” The woman sat there quietly for a while, praying. Then she looked up and said “I asked God to name your three sins, but God said, “I forgot.” There is the good news – God forgets. Not only that he also forgives.” So! Go on. Laugh and pray your Lent.