Fr Rory Writes

Truly important: 

Deacon John’s piece in the newsletter last week began with the sentence “In the Gospel this Sunday Jesus speaks about food”.  A requirement for life, but as he highlighted it needs an appropriate sense of discernment.  So it is very important that the quality of our prayer life, sacrament and sacramental life, but especially the scriptures, are a significant part of our diet.  In the end it is by their fruits that we know them; faith, hope and charity, and the greatest of these is charity.

More and more I am accosted with people saying “I don’t believe in religion or all these religious things”.   In my heart of hearts I have to say “I quite agree with them”.  Strangely enough the number then that say “but I do believe in God”.  Well the only thing I have to say “well I fully truly believe that there is evil”.  Then I say whether I believe in it or not it is there.  In fact at this time it is having a frightful impact upon our lives.  Its presence, its influence is shattering, even especially as it is experienced in the life of the church.

In my piece last week, which I have just re-read and I said to myself “thank God” this is a good point of reference, that it is now well worth repeating:

Now as the window of opportunity returns for a fresh start, with the help of God, we can set sail once again for the future.  It is a time to live and learn, a new generation is needed.  A fresh structure, with greater flexibility and encouragement, in one word “inspiration” is now called for.  We must work together to share, encourage and develop lives of faith, that give witness to our Christian lives which we receive at baptism.  The celebration of the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year gave us a tangible sense of this when the ceremonies took place using the candidates baptismal candles.  At our baptism this light symbolizing the light of Christ was entrusted to us to be kept burning brightly.  Please God, may this be at the heart of our resolve as we return to church with hope and fresh motivation.

May the Lord bless and complete our work, the work of God’s salvation for all.