Deacon John Writes

On Friday August 13th the Psalm is no.136. We only have 4 verses read to us. It is remarkable as it contains the phrase, “for his mercy endures forever” 14 times in those few verses. If you read the whole of the Psalm then the phase occurs 26 times. Psalm 136 is a psalm of thanksgiving for the work of God in creation and his faithful love through Israel’s history. It shows us God’s goodness and the importance of this for us. Yes, we should remember that God always loves us – never forget this. In fact we should all do more than this we should do what the Psalmist says many times in this psalm. He says “give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever,” So I suggest that we adopt this phrase as a reminder for us during August. Try to remember to say it every day and not forget it during the day.  Keep it in mind and surely it will help you in everything you do each and every day.