Deacon John Writes

Have you ever had the thought that you don’t like your credit card? Does it make you think that you have more money than you actually do have? Does it make you feel powerful or reckless? Well if you do you will not be alone! I am sure that many have that feeling from time to time but the vast majority do not let the feeling last for more than a fleeting moment when common sense steps in, aided probably by the Holy Spirit and guides you into more appropriate avenues of action and thought. Moments like those are moments of darkness and light quickly shines through. Always remember that God said “Let light shine out of darkness”. We must let God’s light shine on everything we do, not what we do tomorrow, but on everything we do TODAY. Tomorrow will not do because as we all know – tomorrow never comes. Everything is today and it is today that really matters!  

We will do this if we remember that we are all part of the new covenant that we are called to be part of. This covenant calls us all into partnership with God. This partnership is one of love between God and ourselves. God loves each and every one of us with no conditions attached so we should all return this love today and every day. God is faithful in all and to all – so, if it is necessary, pull your socks up and get on with doing good to those around you. If you don’t wear socks then use your imagination and just do whatever is needed to go forward in a manner that is truly life-giving to yourself and to others.

Friday, June 11th, is the Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and is an opportunity to remind ourselves about our duty to make it obvious that we love one another, to refrain from quarrels and bitterness, stubbornness and being stuck in a rut. We do not, of course, have to go to Mass to do this – this is important, particularly in the current pandemic, when it is not easy to bring ourselves to attend Mass. The time is coming, quite soon, I hope, when it will be possible to freely attend Mass again without any fear, but until that time comes for you, and for me, let us not forget to help anyone in need, and remember that God loves us all – there really are no exceptions!