This Sunday is All Saints Day

This Sunday is All Saints Day and is the day on which we honour the memory of countless unknown and uncanonised saints who have no feast days in the Church’s Calendar. All baptised Christians who have died and are now with God in glory are considered saints. So, today, we thank God for giving ordinary men and women a share in His holiness and Heavenly glory as a reward for their Faith. We honour them in two ways: firstly by imitating their lives and secondly by asking them to intercede for us through Christ, who, as Timothy tells us in his first letter is the only mediator between God and man. The Church reminds us today that  we are all called to live in His love and to make His love real in the lives of those around us. We can all do this by living lives of integrity, truth, justice, charity, mercy, and compassion, sharing our blessings with others.

Three saints each gave us a guide to how we can follow the teaching of the Church. St. Teresa of Avila said: Recharge your spiritual batteries every day by prayer, listening to God and talking to Him. St.Therese of Lisieux said: Convert every action into prayer by offering it to God for His glory and for the salvation of souls and by doing God’s will to the best of your ability. Thirdly, St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) said: Do ordinary things with great love. Do something beautiful for God.

These are three sound methods which we can all follow in our endeavours to live the lives of the saints. The Church gives us over 300 days in the year when we can remember a particular saint. Every now and again the Church changes the calendar and a new saint is entered into the calendar. I want to suggest that we all create our own list of men and women who have been influential in our lives and so are worthy of being included in the calendar if there were enough days in the year. 

The following day is All Souls Day when we pray for all who have died— our loved ones, and also those people around the world whom we will never meet— that through the mercy of God, they will rest in peace.   There will be Mass at St George’s at 10am and at St Wilfrid’s at 11.30am. Following the Mass at St George’s I will bless the graves in the Memorial garden and then at Willingdon Cemetery. I go to all graves, including those of ashes, I know about and all those of which I have been told. Anyone is welcome to accompany me. At each grave we say together the following prayer: “Almighty God, we remember before you today your faithful servant ……… may he/she share in the eternal victory of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” We then sprinkle the grave with holy water. If the weather is inclement we do all graves collectively from the big tree.  With my love and prayers for you all. DJ