
The sun is scorching lots of plants that lovingly were sown, my runner beans have shrivelled up but they are not alone!
Hydrangea cuttings that I took were really doing fine, until the sun got very hot, now there is no sign.
But other plants are doing well my Malopes are amazing, growing tall along the wall as in the sun they’re lazing.
Geraniums are strong as well although they are in pots, their colours are so beautiful and there are lots and lots.
The asters that I grew from seed are coming into flower, jewel colours- mauves and pinks( well done that amateur grower)!
I’m cutting spinach now for meals I really will be stronger, I keep it watered everyday and hope it will last longer .
So as the crisis carries on still spreading all around us, we thank the Lord for all we’ve got and carry on regardless.
Keeping to the rules in place, we’re glad to be alive, being sensible as well should help us all to thrive!

Ros Burke, Poet Laureate of Polegate