A message from Fr Rory

It is with joy that we can now consider opening our churches for private, individual prayer.  The hope is that we will be able to welcome parishioners for one hour twice a week, in each of our two churches.  We are working out how we can do this with safety concerns in mind, as it may be months before we can celebrate a public Mass together.

Before we can go ahead and open the churches, we require the authorisation of the Diocese, to do so.  To facilitate this, we need to recruit stewards, or ushers, plus a team of cleaners to clean the church after each session of prayer.  Another requirement from the Diocese is that we provide the names of volunteers to them and they must have a current DBS Check in place.  Protective equipment will be provided, and safety measures put in place to protect us all. Guidelines, safety measures and details of restrictions will be shared with you all. 

You would always be working in pairs and we will always ensure you have full information and support before we open the churches. You would be asked to usher people into the church, help them use the one-way system, sit where allocated, and keep social distancing.

Could you spare an hour a week, perhaps every 2 weeks if we have plenty of volunteers, we are looking at opening one session on a weekday and possibly one on the Sunday afternoon?  There is one stipulation – you need to be under 70 years of age and have no underlying health issues.  

If you fit the above criteria, and are willing to do help as an usher or cleaner or would like more information,  please contact us at [email protected]