Fr Rory Writes

Again two things:- Are you surprised?  When we were in the seminary these two things were given a special emphasis. 1) An awareness that life is a journey with a beginning and most importantly an end.  2) On that journey the importance of our and each story.  The church through the liturgy of the word gives us the perfect structure to express this.

Each new year begins in Advent with the liturgy of the Eucharist, to give life to our journey and our story.  The heart of this event is the assembly of the faithful.  The presence of Christ in His faithful is what gives greatest witness to His presence in our world.  To be true to this; is not well, maybe not at all served by seeing it an obligation, a mortal sin if we do not do so.

The mass as a “celebration” the presence of Christ with us.  Before the 2nd Vatican Council Mass was seen as a very liturgical event with a strict discipline, where the language was Latin, mostly unknown to those in attendance who were there saying their prayers.  With the emphasis on celebrating His presence, and refocusing on its first celebration by Jesus on the night He was betrayed….  He celebrated His Last Supper with His instruction “Do this in remembrance of me”.  Let us become far more faithful to this.