Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:                                                                               

After the passion and death of Jesus; there was a time of great apprehension, anxiety and fear.  The first words concerning the Resurrection were unclear and very fragmented.  This too is a time of great apprehension; what will happen next to get us out of our situation, is for the time being very unclear.

Returning to scriptures, the early account of the resurrection can be very helpful to us for the coming weeks.  The word has gone from the tomb; Jesus is Risen from the dead.  Peter gives an example at a time of crisis.  He has returned to the day job of fishing         (maybe not open to us at the moment). 

In fact, they fished all night and caught nothing.  Then they were truly blessed – it must be appropriate that at this time we ask a blessing that our faith be revitalised.  Jesus appears to them and instructs them to go out again.  They make a great catch of fish.

The church gives forty days to this truly important time when we celebrate the Ascension.  Please God, these days will be valuable to us, leading us and preparing us for the most powerful and necessary event of all – The Feast of Pentecost.  Up until this time the apostles and the other disciples were very much at odds with life and getting nowhere.  But after Pentecost they are a new force.

Over forty years ago I had; maybe as now, a short sabbatical.  At that time the charismatic movement, role of the laity, ministries, marriage encounter, Taizé etc. were promising opportunities.  But unfortunately, beginning with a real desire for a new Pentecost, and being prepared to be more committed to a life of faith; was not a sufficient priority and so the opportunity was lost.

More than anything we must desire and pray for a new Pentecost.  Hopefully the coronavirus will sow fresh seeds.  The depth of love that is expressed for those who serve, please God, will go on in a church that serves.  Let us cry out to high heavens for a new generation.  For a while now we have been blessed in our parish by having a nucleus giving this their attention.

Please God, that it may grow out to be a fresh stream of life.  It is only through a new Pentecost that this can happen, and now is the time for prayer, for hope and for trust, that like the early disciples we may be prepared by the Holy Spirit to begin again.  Let us continue to pray for a new Pentecost, this may happen.