Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Continuing our return to Deacon John’s message for Lent last year………

One person who did said that it taught him where to find God in this unpredictable and often discouraging world. He said it taught him that God is the Power that replenishes, that renews our strength when we have none left. He relates that he learned that God works miracles today by enabling ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He has seen weak people become strong, timid people become brave, selfish people become generous. He has seen people care for their elderly parents, for brain-damaged children, for wives and husbands in wheelchairs, for years, even decades, and he asked himself, where do people get the strength to keep doing that for so long? Where do they get the resources of love and loyalty to keep going?

His answer was based on that T-shirt: That when we are weary and out of strength, we turn to God and He renews our strength, so that we can walk and not feel faint, so that we can run and not grow weary. It taught him where to find God in this unpredictable and often discouraging world.

Today, may we pray that we, and those whose lives have been shattered by what has happened to them, will be able to do the same. May they have their strength renewed, so that they will live their lives with wings as eagles, that they will run and not grow weary.

Please God, we too will find words from scripture that will strengthen and support our faith day by day.