Fr Rory Writes

First and foremost, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

I am profoundly grateful to our parish team for leading our response to Pope Francis request for a Synod.  In life there are occasional moments of great grace.  For me, number one was Pope John 23rd and his call for the Second Vatican Council, and now Pope Francis with his call for a Synod.

As the team presents us with the response from our parish, we are presented with two most important opportunities.  Lent; this special season which always brings back to my thoughts one of my first parish priests, Mgr Tim Rice, with his statement “Lent means Spring”, and because he was a great enthusiast for the 2nd Vatican Council, he always used it as a focus for a particular theme from this Vatican Council with the awareness that Spring is a time of new life “lambs in the field” and growth.

Because Lent has sprung upon us, and the implications of where we are in response to the virus, we have no great plan in place.   The other side is “it is a window of opportunity” and because our team has offered to spring into this window, I am confident that this is what is best for us.  I will also consult with Deacon John on how to make the best use of this great season.