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Over 50’s Activities

Please make a note in your diaries of our over 50’s Activities: 

Christmas Lunch at Kings Head – Horsebridge:  Thursday 9th December, in the function room, 12noon.  We have had to close the list for people coming, as we have reached our maximum available.  Sorry if you cannot join us for this Happy Event.  We have a good interest in our monthly lunches so perhaps you would like to join us on our next date which will be Thursday 10th January, details to follow in the New Year.  Of course our friends from St George’s are invited to any of the events organised by us here at St Wilfrid’s.

Thursday 30th December, 2pm in our Hall for Afternoon Tea:   We have decided to make this a pre New Years Eve Party, homemade food, music, games suitable to our age group!!  Crackers, goody bags and special raffle.  The cost for this will be £5 and I can assure you it will be worth every penny – come on lets make it a jolly good party.  2-4pm, looking forward to seeing you there, make a New Years resolution.

All these events are open to St Wilfrid’s and St George’s plus any friends are most welcome of course.  Please contact Joan 07873390944 or after Sunday and Wednesday Mass in the Hall.

St Wilfrid’s last Sunday, 21st November

St Wilfrid’s last Sunday, 21st November:  We had a special sale in our hall after Mass of Hannah’s toys.  The money raised will go to the Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund in her honour.  Well we raised £104, mainly from donations given to this very worthy cause.  The goods, very good quality, will be on sale until the 1st week in December when the ’Sales Table’ will have a Christmas Theme.  Do pop in after Mass on a Sunday, have a cup of tea with us and buy some ’Bargain Goods’ or pop some money in the pot for this very worthwhile cause – Lourdes Fund for Handicap Children.  Thank you so much. 


Hello, my name is Kelly Richards, and I am the Safeguarding Rep for St George’s

Christmas is fast approaching and it is a joyful time, but can also be a lonely time for those that may not have family or friends that they can spend this Holy time with.  Safeguarding is not only there to help and support families, or children that may be of concern  regarding any issues, but also for older people in our community in need of help.  If you feel that anyone is in a situation of concern please do contact me …. Merry Christmas Kelly (07967562110).

St George’s Love In A Box

St George’s Love In A Box:  A big thank you for all the donations you have made to this wonderful cause. We have knitted 51 blankets, filled 26 shoe boxes and raised £293 to cover the boxes and transportation costs. This is a tremendous effort from you all and the Mustard Seed Mission lorries will soon be on the way to children in Romania with all our good things.

St Wilfrid’s Church

St Wilfrid’s Church:  Advent Penitential Service and First Confession for our 7 candidates on Saturday 11th December at 5 pm.

Rehearsal for Nativity Mime at Christmas Eve Mass will be Saturday 18th December at 2pm, Children from St Wilfrid’s and St George’s are all welcome to take part in this special part of the Mass. 

Deacon John Writes

Food for thought:

A writer called Mark Link wrote the following: On the night of April 15, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank.  Over 1,500 people lost their lives in one of the worst sea disasters in history.  A few years ago a magazine recalled the great disaster and asked its readers this shocking, almost blasphemous, question: “If we’d been on the Titanic when it sank, would we have arranged the deckchairs?”  At first we say to ourselves, “What a ridiculous question!  No one in his right mind would ignore wailing sirens on a sinking ship and rearrange its deck chairs!  No one with an ounce of sanity would ignore the shouts of drowning people and keep arranging deck chairs!” But as we continue to read the magazine, we see the reason for the strange question.  And suddenly we ask ourselves, “Are we perhaps, rearranging the deckchairs on a sinking ship? —  For example, are we so caught up with material things in life that we are giving a back seat to spiritual things?  Are we so busy making a living that we are forgetting the purpose of life?  Are we so taken up with life that we are forgetting why God gave us life?”

Fr Rory Writes

              For a Synodal Church                                                                 Our Process   

Two Questions

Why do we need it?   How can we best progress it?  

First it is important that we are aware that there is a process presented to us on the Diocesan Website and that we read it.  It also has an introduction by Bishop Richard.  This is the link  to find the information

I believe that the most important thing is the outcome.  I am aware that there is a late February deadline.  For the best outcome I have two constant points of reference; to farming and to building.  In farming what is the most important to begin ploughing, or preparing the ground.  In the building trade the foundations.  I would be very interested to hear the process for other achievements.  For my own calling, preparation leaves me with a great sense of failure.

From last year; with an awareness of thanksgiving for the harvest, what is most important are the seeds for future growth.  When I came to the parish I first introduced our Leaven Group for each community.  I now believe we need to return to our roots and begin again with core groups.  These can be made up from within extended family, children’s liturgy group, parish groups etc to make the most of this opportunity to do good.  Responding to their questions, hopes and expectations.

This Sunday we are highlighting the Synod.  Next Sunday we will turn our attention to the ministries.  The third Sunday, most important, be reconciled with God.  What we grew up with, confession, and when I was first ordained I spent hours in the confessional.  The true, true gift “God’s pardon and peace.  Then the fourth Sunday, preparation to make it the best Christmas celebration ever in our lives.

CAFOD School Volunteers needed!

Looking for a new challenge? 

Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about CAFOD’s work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD? 

No experience necessary. Full support, resources and regular training provided.  

As well as using your skills to help the poorest people in the world volunteers are inspired by young people, it strengthens their faith, develops their communication and presentation skills, plus much more.   If this of interest and you would like more information, please contact either:  Jenny Finlayson, Community Participation Coordinator for Arundel and Brighton Diocese, email: [email protected] Tel: 01483 898866  Mobile: 07710 094448 or  Mike Dean Education Volunteer Coordinator for Arundel and Brighton Diocese email: [email protected] 

Please make a note in your diaries of our over 50’s activities.

This week – Thursday 25th November, 2pm, Afternoon Tea & Fun in our hall.  Homemade cakes/scones, sandwiches, plus “French gourmand”, fancy “bite size cakes/biscuits in English”, all for £3.  We have a small raffle, 50p per ticket.  Do come and join us.

Christmas Lunch at Kings Head – Horsebridge:  Thursday 9th December, in the function room, 12noon.  Three courses plus tea/coffee, mince pies and crackers, £18 including tip.  Please pay the £18 when booking, I will give you a copy of the menu so you can make your choice, to make it easier on the day for the chef and us.  I have had many bookings already and so advise you to book soon.  Our friends from St George’s are invited of course and many have booked already.  Lets make it a jolly good Christmas lunch enjoyed by all of us from both parishes, plus our non catholic friends.  If transport is a problem please contact Joan 07873390944.

Thursday 30th December, 2pm in our Hall for Afternoon Tea:   We have decided to make this a pre New Years Eve Party, special homemade food, music, games suitable to our age group!!  Crackers, goody bags and special raffle.  The cost for this will be £5 and I can assure you it will be worth every penny – come on lets party!

All these events are open to St Wilfrid’s and St George’s plus any friends are most welcome of course.  Please contact Joan 07873390944 or after Sunday and Wednesday Mass in the Hall.