Latest News

Over 50’s Activities

I expect you read in your newsletter last week that we have cancelled our monthly lunch at the Kings Head on Thursday 13th January.  Although the Kings Head love to have us and are very aware of what the COVID rules are, many of us are not ready to eat out at a restaurant just yet.  We are hoping, please God, we can all meet up on Thursday 10th February, 12noon at the Kings Head, Horsebridge, more details nearer the time.

Our Party on Thursday 27th January, 2pm in our Hall has had to be cancelled until further notice.  Please inform any of our friends who do not receive our newsletter.  Thank you.

Linking Lives Eastbourne

Linking Lives Eastbourne provides a befriending service for lonely and isolated people, who would benefit from a home visit by a trained volunteer.

It is a registered charity with local trustees.  If you would like to offer your time as a volunteer, please contact Marylou Cockshoot at [email protected] or phone 01323 406242. Also, feel free to speak to Anne Bowe on 07808 175455 or email [email protected] to have a chat about volunteering for this vital organisation.  Thank you.

SYNOD 2023 – Listening and Participating

After the successful launch of our Parishes focus on Synod 2023 we are now delighted to start work on hand out two, which you will receive this morning.

To recap, The Synod, initiated by Pope Francis, is a process in which the Church encourages its people (you) to listen and learn and a vessel by which we can communicate to the Pope what WE believe is needed for OUR future Church.  This is an extremely important step and you, the parishioners of St Wilfrid and St George, are invited to take time to be part of it.

Last week we worked on answering questions relating to Our Companions on the journey. Communion.  Some of you hopefully undertook this as individuals, families, or smaller groups.  We are also delighted that many of you chose to be part of it in one or both of our meetings that we held on Wednesday and Saturday.  All these responses will be passed to the Bishop.  They will also be used to help us as a Parish consider what is needed for us to unite further on our journey in faith.

Week 2 – YOU are invited to Speak Out Some more…

This week, as requested by Our Pope, we are invited to reflect on the following issue, and let him know our thoughts:-

Week 2 – Listening – Participation, handout available today at mass.

Private, Individual or Group responses can be handed in via the box at the back of Church – marked Synod.  You are also encouraged and very welcome to attend either or both of the following meetings being held for the Parish:-

Wednesday 26th January after 10am Mass – St Wilfrid’s Hall

Saturday 29th January 10am – St George’s Hall

Next week  – Week 3 – Speaking out, Mission, handout available from Sunday 30th January

Further information:

www.abdiocese/ – this includes the Diocese document and an online easy to use survey.  Even if you undertake this survey though, which we wholly encourage, please also take time to respond to the Parish survey.

Fr Rory Writes

‘Going Home’

I am expecting to go home next week and I am looking forward to it.   Like everything during this coronavirus pandemic, apprehensive about it.  From our days in the seminary, a very helpful idea that has stayed with me.   These things are a) life is a journey; b) telling our story on this journey.  As in any journey life has its beginning and an ending.  A very important emphasis in the seminary was preparation for the end of that journey.  I know there is very much more to life than can be captured by these two images, as highlighted by the virus for the last two years, with life really stalled.

At St George’s church on Tuesday we had a very memorable Requiem Mass for Edna Andrews RIP.  She was 98 years old, so close to her 100th birthday.  It would have been lovely to celebrate this, but it would be second to the celebration of her Requiem Mass.  The celebration of this mass brings home to us profoundly “Our true home is in heaven and that is where we are going”.  Thanks be to God.  Growing up in Ireland, this felt very real to us, and with the wake house made a huge contribution to a life of faith. 

Please God, faith will continue to contribute greatly to our lives in the future.

St George’s Hall

St George’s Hall is used extensively during the week to fee paying hall hirers who have to comply with strict covid regulations. The hall or toilets must not be entered by parishioners when a session is taking place as this compromises their contract and their requirement to have names and contact details of all present. If you need to use the toilet before or after Mass, please speak to Angela or Cathy for permission to use the church toilet. Thank you for your co-operation.

Over 50’s Activities

I expect you read in your newsletter last week that we have cancelled our monthly lunch at the Kings Head on Thursday 13th January.  Although the Kings Head love to have us and are very aware of what the COVID rules are, many of us are not ready to eat out at a restaurant just yet.  We are hoping, please God, we can all meet up on Thursday 10th February, 12noon at the Kings Head, Horsebridge, more details nearer the time.

However, you cannot keep us ‘oldies’ down for long, so we are going ahead with our belated Party on Thursday 27th January, 2pm in our Hall.  The cost will be £5 per person, which will include expensive crackers (no not with cheese!!), homemade large Christmas Cake, a chocolate raffle and all our usual eats and fun games.  It will be your last chance to purchase any bargains from our Sales Table, as it is closing end of January unless anyone would like to take it over?

Please inform any of our friends who do not receive our newsletter, indeed anyone you feel will benefit from our afternoon teas, they are open to all, so long as you enjoy good company, good food, fun and laughter, you will be very welcome.  Please contact me for catering purposes.  Thank you, Joan – Tel: 07873390944.

Well Done

Well Done to David McMeekin who has been given the Golden Jubilee Award by the Order of the Knights of St Columba in recognition for his work for the Church over the last 52 years. The Order started in 1919 and David joined the Eastbourne Knights in 1970.