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Fr Rory Writes

I am very pleased with St George’s Church and St Wilfrid’s with the care and attention that has been given to this most important event “Synod 23”.  While I was away I was very grateful to know that such important work was being done in our parish.  When I returned I found a letter waiting from one of the most inspiring persons that  I have met in my life, and the challenge that it brings.  His name is Deacon Dominic Dring, His brother is our Dean and Parish Priest of Our Lady of Ransom in Eastbourne.  So I am bringing it to our attention alongside other important needs, building core groups, preparing to progress again; leaven groups, and also ecumenical dialogue, through building up our liturgies; our mass on Sundays.

Dates for your Diary

Sat March 12th at 11am –  Family friendly Stations of the Cross at St George’s Church. Everyone is welcome.  Followed by a Lenten Lunch in the hall.

Sun April 3rd at 12noon – Sponsored Walk, Jevington to Alfriston – More information to follow. 

Reserve date Sun 10th April

Churches Together

Churches Together, Polegate Willingdon and Jevington – The Life Christian Centreat 6 Oldfield Road, Willingdon Eastbourne BN20 9QE, will be meeting every Wednesday at 2.00pm, for refreshments, whilst relaxing and chatting.  All are welcome!

Walking on water

Three ministers were out in a boat on a lake fishing one fine afternoon, a Protestant minister, an Episcopalian priest and a newly-arrived Catholic priest. They were sitting out in the middle of the lake and the Protestant minister said he had to relieve himself, so he got out of the boat and walked across the water to shore, relieved himself behind a tree. Then walked back to the boat. The Episcopalian priest did the same thing. The Catholic priest thought to himself, if they can do it, so can I. So, he stepped out of the boat and started sinking. After saving him and bringing him back on the boat one minister commented: “We should have told him where the rocks are under the water!”

Alpha 2022 – Eastbourne Catholic Churches

We will be commencing our second parish online Alpha Course for 11    consecutive Wednesdays, via Zoom, on Wednesday 9th March.Alpha is an acclaimed international programme that explores the Christian faith and is aimed at anyone who wants to examine their faith more deeply and develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus. If you are interested and would like to know more please contact: [email protected] Before the first session you will need to set up Zoom (if not already done so) by going to ZOOM.US/TEST and joining a test meeting. All are welcome!

Enriching Our Catholic Faith

ENRICHING OUR CATHOLIC FAITH” – OUR LADY OF RANSOM (EASTBOURNE):  A series of talks  to enrich and deepen our    understanding of our faith. All are welcome to all or any of the talks.

–           Thursday, 17th Feb.  The simplicity of Prayer – speaker: John Kimberley

–           Thursday, 3rd March – Can War ever be Just?   – speaker: Fr Kevin.

–           Thursday, 17th March – The Second Vatican Council (reasons for and consequences) – speaker: to be confirmed

–           Thursday, 31st March – Making use of scripture in prayer. – speaker: Caroline Rother.

Sessions last an hour and start at 7.30pm in the Our Lady of Ransom Parish Hall (accessed via car park), – with a break halfway for refreshments.

Synod 2023

Synod – Parish Response

Thank you so much to everyone who recently took part in the Synod consultations, we estimate that over a third of our Church attending parishioners have provided responses either in the boxes at the back of church or through attending one or more of the eight meetings we have now held.  

All responses given in by 4th February have been submitted to the Diocese and those as well as all those provided after that date will be included in the Parish report to all Parishioners. We will provide a summary of responses as quickly as possible.

After that the more difficult  work starts – What action do we have to take locally?