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Fr Rory Writes

“Go out to the whole world Mk16:5”

                      “Proclaim the good news to all creation”.               

This is the final parting message from Jesus to his disciples for all ages, as He ascended into heaven.  But while on earth living like one of us He revealed the reality of what it means and what it entails, “no bed of roses”.

When I left my family home in order to do this; it had become enshrined in the expression “no cross, no crown”.  This is a great constant in all our lives and of my family.  The years of preparation had embedded this in my life.  His final instructions compelled His Apostles and His Mother Mary to return to Jerusalem.   They prepared to watch and pray because they were faithful, the Holy Spirit came down upon them and this is the great legacy of Pentecost.  It is important for us each year that after the Feast of the Ascension, we likewise “watch and pray” in preparation for the Holy Spirit being poured out upon us.  We may be more open and prepared for the Holy Spirit to be more active and at work in our lives.

This year gives us the opportunity to work together, to build up and renew our parish communities.  The Synod, and now our parish response is truly important.  As we receive reports from other parishes and churches, the continuing scandals in the churches, we must really raise up our hearts and minds to be refreshed and refocused.  It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, that we can change and respond by really working together.  A start has been made, and one sign of the fruits that it can bear, was the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Richard, on Sunday at Our Lady of Ransom Church.  Our 10 candidates and their sponsors, Mary, Sandra and all those who helped, left us with an inspiring moment, and a very happy occasion to celebrate and remember.

Please God, may your Holy Spirit be at work in us, and let us all say Amen to this.

Lourdes Pilgrimage helpers required!

We have received several applications from Pilgrims who will require assistance to join this year’s Lourdes Pilgrimage, but at this point we are short of Helpers. After two ‘grace years’ dictated by the pandemic we are conscious of people’s wellbeing, and we are having to look for more helpers than usual who are fit and well to support others. Subsidies are available for helpers to go towards them meeting the costs of the pilgrimage. As we currently stand, we will have to turn down some pilgrims who require assistance, if we do not get a significant number of fit helpers applying in the next few weeks, so please do apply if you can spare the time to help those in need. The Pilgrimage Office is happy to answer any questions anyone has prior to applying 01403 740110, [email protected] Helpers Apply now

Are you struggling with bereavement of loss?

Would it help to have someone to talk to?  Our Deanery has a team of trained Catholic Bereavement Supporters available to listen and support people experiencing bereavement and loss.  Please contact your Parish Priest if you would like to speak to one of our team.

To find out more about Bereavement Support please contact our Marriage and Family Life Project Officer: E: [email protected] T: 01293 651155


Do you like computers? Do you know how to update a website? The Parish could do with a bit of help and would be delighted if some clever people would offer their help on internet things. Please give your name to Fr Rory or send him an email. Thank you.

Synod Suggestions

The minutes of the meeting of the Core Group are available on the notice board of each church.
The next meeting of the whole parish to discuss these suggestions will be  held in St Wilfrid’s Church on Tuesday 31 May. This day is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and there will be Marian Devotions at 6pm. The meeting will be held immediately afterwards.

Fr Rory Writes

Time to concentrate all our attention.

In the natural order of creation, one of the loveliest times of the year is when there is a flurry of blossoms.   It quickly gives way; but is still a most crucial time for the resulting harvest.  The blossoms give way to the emerging fruit, so a time of great importance.

In the life of the spirit, it is the same process.  From the life of Christ when His work was accomplished upon the cross, the first words then began to emerge “Christ is Risen”.  Rumours began to spread.  The stories in the scripture at this time are so revealing.  The more they develop they shed light,  but also reveal the mystery.  Why?

I always remember (an early introductions of what it means to be a priest) being awakened in the early morning by someone shouting outside the church, very shortly after Holy Week “demanding that He would come out and fight, why was He Hiding?” .  I could hear what was being said – why does He not reveal Himself clearly.

For those who were chosen to experience His Ascension into Heaven, this was an incredible grace.   The instruction that follows are of the greatest importance to all of us.  The apostles returned to Jerusalem to watch and to pray, essential now for us.

So during the coming week with our focus upon the Feast of the Ascension; there will be a vigil mass on Wednesday evening (25th) at St Wilfrid’s at 7pm, and the 10am mass will be at St George’s church for all the parish. 

Our next open meeting for our parish will be Tuesday 31st May at 6pm in St Wilfrid’s Church, beginning with May devotions and setting the ball rolling with plans for our future.   The Synod questionnaire and now our continuing response to all the questions raised, and the statements that followed are very helpful. 

Special Centenary Mass

Special Centenary Mass – Saturday 13th August 2022

St Wilfrid’s Church, Hailsham at 11am

A Special Mass with Bishop Richard will be held at St Wilfrid’s Church, Hailsham to celebrate 100 years since first Mass was held.

If you would like to join us in celebrating this special Mass please either book on-line on our website or contact Jackie by email [email protected] or phone 841504.  Thank you.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Sunday 5th June

St George’s Church 9am & St Wilfrid’s Church 10.30am

At St Wilfrid’s we will be celebrating with a Jubilee Lunch after the 10.30am Mass.  Please reserve a seat on our website or contact Jackie on 841504.   All welcome.

Over 50’s Activities

Over 50’s Activities – St Wilfrid’s Hall:  Our next afternoon tea will be a special Jubilee Tea on Thursday 26th May, 2-4pm.  Please could we dress up for the occasion (wear something red, white or blue), £3 per person.  Everyone is welcome to join us.