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Fr Rory Writes:

Last Sundays Carol Service

Just a very joyful occasion, most appropriate to Gaudete Sunday

Rejoice in the Lord indeed.  I am sure the weather had its effect in reducing the numbers, and by the end of the carol service the snow was falling very, very heavy.  A bit of a spectacle in itself.  In the hall the mulled wine, the very best of fayre and a tombola stall that consisted of  winners and winners.  Really great and a great lady (she won’t like me saying that), Joan, a real treasure.  Needless to say the children stole the show, there is something about carol singing to lift the spirits.  We can continue to build on this.  What a world it would be if there is no Saviour, no salvation.  The light of Christ shines through all our obstacles, and I say thanks be to God for that.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thurs 29th Dec at 2pm, “Pre New Year’s Party” also £5 please.  Music for all along with quiz and bingo.  Let’s make it a great party, see you there!

Our visit to Staverton Nursery was very enjoyable.  Hiring the Cuckmere Bus was the best idea.  Ramp for our walkers, very polite and helpful driver who is a Catholic.  We will certainly use the bus for our future outings; not until Spring though.  Read this newsletter for future outings.

Fr Rory Writes

From the prophet Isaiah 40:10 “Here is the Lord coming with power”.

As we celebrate the weeks of Advent; we begin by lighting the first candle “the candle of hope”.  Quickly followed by the “the candle of peace”.  The prophet Isaiah proclaims “Here is the Lord coming with power….”.  Yet when we    gather to celebrate Christmas with the birth of the child Jesus, then the true focus of that power is love.  The Christ child presents us with our greatest model of love.

As he matures from being a baby, He is like a Shepherd feeding His flock, gathering lambs in his arms.  In our lives it highlights the love that is closest to His heart with a challenge, “as long as you do this to be least of my brethren, you do it to me”.  We have to acknowledge with sorrow, that all too often we in the church are not seen to be like this.

The work that continues to take place at the heart of our parish are steps in this direction to become a living community.  As we focus upon the parish council that will work to develop our parish communities for the future, the briefings that are given as we focus upon this with a parish council that works as part of the instrument, is a good work in progress.  Our parish celebrations at this time are essential to creating an environment that allows us to strengthen our faith.  The sacrament of reconciliation, Tue 13th Dec, the parish Christmas Carol Service, the Christmas Eve Nativity Mime and the celebration of our Masses will provide the nourishment that is essential.

Parish Christmas Carol Service

This will take place on Sunday 11th December at 3pm, in St Wilfrid’s Church followed by mulled wine/tea & coffee/mince pies and tombola in our hall.  Everyone is invited Catholics and Non-Catholics, so if you have friends who would like to come, they are very welcome.  Any prizes for the tombola for men/women/children, bottles of wine/spirits! Or  variety of gifts including mince pies either homemade or boxed from the shop.  Please leave in our hall/church porch Wed 7th or Sun 11th, before or after Mass. 


CAFOD – The True Spirit of Christmas Giving, World Gifts this Christmas:  We are collecting for gifts for the poor and needy throughout the world.  Many new ideas for helping “those in need” have been introduced this year.  Due to your great     generosity for this worthy cause, we have collected £161 so far.  The collecting box will be available for one more week in the church porch/hall.  Lets see if we can make this a record for 2022.  We will publish the result in next weeks newsletter with the various gifts we have chosen.  Thank you.