Latest News

Over 50’s Club

Tuesday 28th March we are considering paying a visit to the Emmaus Centre in Portslade.  If interested please see Joan or Tel 07873390944 asap.  Details to follow.

Our afternoon tea last Thursday had a definite “Chinese New Year Theme”, the table had a great display of lanterns etc.  25 of us & Fr Rory had a great time.  Our next date will be 30th March, theme “Green for the Irish”.

St George’s Last Sunday Charity Breakfasts

St George’s Last Sunday Charity Breakfasts – Success so far!  With five charity breakfasts now under our hat we have been delighted with the response so far and thank everyone for their support. The initial idea of these breakfasts was to create a regular post-pandemic socialising opportunity for us all while raising much needed funds for charities close to our hearts – we think we are well on our way to achieving this.  Especially now people are starting to bring along friends and family to join as well, bring more and spread the word!

Charities we have supported and amounts raised: CAFOD £145 (Sept), Royal British Legion £72 (Oct), Children with Cancer £154 (Nov), St Wilfrid’s Hospice £145 (Jan) and Hosanna House Children’s Pilgrimage Trust £200 (Feb, this    includes £66 from 50% of our table sale fundraising). Hosanna House is our dedicated Lent charity so we will add to this amount raised with the Family Stations of the Cross Soup Lunch and the March Breakfast on Sunday 27th.  

Do you have a Charity suggestion that you would like us to support  at one of our future breakfasts? Ideally local or  Catholic.  Can you Help occasionally – we are very much in need of extra team members so we can set up a rota as this event needs at least four people helping monthly and we are not always all available.  Speak to Sandra after mass or email [email protected]

Fr Rory Writes

Le Cunamh De         with the help of God         Le Cunamh De

On the 4th Sunday of Lent “Laetare”, March 19th, Canon Paul will celebrate with us the 10.30am morning mass.  This will give an opportunity for all the people from St George’s to gather together after their 9am mass, to outline plans and actions for the future of the church at St George’s.  This is a response to the growing great shortage of priests.  Above all it is a providential opportunity for the people of God to grow.  As mentioned great and inspiring moments during our seminary preparation.   A statement in the Old Testament was “Let my people go”.  I have occasionally mentioned restoring the use of selective moments of incense at some masses.  Incense places special emphasis on God’s holiness, sacred moments like the consecration of the mass.  One other is the assemble of the faithful.  Fr Seamus always highlighted that emphasis, by saying without the faithful we cannot have the rest.  We are most grateful to Bob and Martin and all who have guided and facilitated our response.  An outline of this is now being prepared, and it is a time for all of us to join in and work together for our good future.

St George’s Hall

On Fri 3rd March, 4.30 pm, there will be a puppet theatre using the hall. Their show is 45 minutes long and is aimed at primary school age children. They do extensive work in schools and after the show the actors will bring out the puppets for the children to see close up.  Admission is free but seats are on a first come first served basis.

New Parish Council

Thank you to everyone who recommended people for the Parish Council.  13  persons have been recommended from St George’s and 34 from St Wilfrid’s.  They will all be invited to a meeting to explain how the Council will work and afterwards they will  be asked if they want to accept or decline membership of the Council.

Grand Table Top Sale

Grand Table Top Sale, St Wilfrid’s Hall:  Sat 11th March, 10am-3pm.  We have received some goods for sale, but plenty more are needed, we can accept adults/children’s clothes.  Please pop your donations in the box in the church porch.  We also need helpers on the day, please leave your name/time on the list in church porch/hall.  Thank you.