Latest News

St George’s Hall

St George’s Hall now has Yoga classes for beginners and       intermediate on a Tuesday morning at 10.00 am for one hour. All taken at your own pace. Price per session is £9 and payment can be made by cash or card. Mats provided or bring your own. Wear loose, comfortable clothing – not jeans.

Do you have a Charity suggestion?

Do you have a Charity suggestion that you would like us to support  at one of our future breakfasts? Ideally local or     Catholic.  Can you Help occasionally – we are very much in need of extra team members so we can set up a rota as this event needs at least four people helping monthly and we are not always all available.  Speak to Sandra after mass or email [email protected]

World Youth Day

Are you aged 18-35? If you are, we invite you to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lisbon to meet with the Holy Father. 31st July -7th August 2023. Join millions of other young people from all over the world to celebrate our faith and make life-long friendships. The week will include a trip to     Fatima as well as all the amazing festival activities, not to   mention Mass with Pope Francis. To find out more please    contact E: [email protected]

CAFOD in Eastbourne & St Leonards Deanery

CAFOD in Eastbourne and St Leonards Deanery invite you to a Workshop on Catholic Social Teaching on Sat 1st April,  11 am to 1 pm, in Concordia Hall, Church Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 6HB. Come and explore with us the history and practice of Catholic Social Teaching which informs and underpins the work of CAFOD.   Hot Cross Buns, coffee and tea provided. This is not an “April Fool” but an opportunity not to be missed!”.

Fr Rory Writes

 Help, I rely upon help.

In my first parish, St Anne’s, Banstead, we started up a parish youth group called Y.A.F (Youth Action Fellowship) it got off to a great start.  I hoped to add the word formation, but the time as curate was short lived, 3-4 years.  So I was moved on.  There appears to be so much less time in a week as weeks and years fly by.

We are now well launched on our response to Bishop Richards pastoral plan “The Word Who Is Life”, especially from the introduction 1.3: “I therefore take this opportunity to invite everyone in the Diocese – lay faithful and religious, deacons and priests – to join with me in forging our parishes into communities”.

Putting things into practice is the important thing, this is where I need all the help.  Already in our plan for St George’s I got the date for our meeting after our weekday mass wrong, as I am not free on Tuesday, so it needs to change.

Most important is our first Sunday Meeting after Mass which takes place at St George’s Church next Sunday. 

We need to spread the word and encourage people to come.

Family Stations and Soup Lunch

Family Stations and Soup Lunch Saturday 11th March 11.30am at St George’s –   All our children and their families, along with all other parishioners are invited to this child friendly Stations of the Cross – please make every effort to join if you can.  The stations will be followed by a homemade soup lunch in the hall. For catering numbers please sign up at the back of church or contact Sandra on 07736 839168/[email protected].  Other Parish Stations of the Cross during lent at St George’s will be held on Sunday 5th March, 12th March and 2nd April (Palm Sunday Stations includes Benediction and refreshments in hall).  Also on Good Friday 7th April there will be a Family Service with Stations of the cross at 10.30am followed by refreshments and hot cross buns in the hall.   All welcome.

Parish St Patrick’s Feast Day

Parish St Patrick’s Feast Day – Friday 17th March:  We couldn’t let this great Irish day go by without celebrating in the true Irish way.  We have arranged an evening of fun, music, singing and dancing.  Good food, tea/coffee provided.  You may bring your own drink.  All for £5 Adults, Children Free.  Tickets on sale now after Sunday and weekday masses.