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Mission Unleased:

Mission Unleashed: an event with Cardinal Tagle. The Church has a mission but what is it? And how should we do it? Cardinal Tagle of the Philippines has responsibilities for evangelisation and mission in the Vatican and is an inspirational speaker. Join CAFOD online for Mission Unleashed: Embracing the Social Dimension of Evangelisation hosted by CAFOD on 14 July 7-8:30pm. Please see to book your place for this webinar and be sent the recording. All welcome

Confirmation Candidates:

Congratulations to all our confirmation candidates who took the lead at the recent mass with Bishop Richard at Arundel Cathedral. We are so very proud of them. They will celebrate mass on 3rd September at 4pm at St George’s to receive their certificates and gifts from the parish. After mass we will have a party in St George’s hall.  All welcome. 

Parish Garden Party/BBQ

Parish Garden Party/BBQ on 16th July at 12pm after Mass. We will be having a Tombola so are    asking for donations of bottles of drink (alcoholic or not) unwanted gifts in good condition (no bric a brac please).  The tickets are £8 adults, Family ticket £18. Food will be provided as will soft drinks, tea/coffee. Please bring your own alcoholic drinks.

Sea Sunday – 9th July 2023

Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions. In the last year, more crews have been abandoned by their employers than ever before. Many are still being denied the right to leave their ships for even a short break away from the relentless noise and pressure onboard. Many are reporting more stress and poorer mental health. Sea Sunday is Sunday 9th July. It is when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Your support will make a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need. You can donate in church, by visiting, or by texting ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5. This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris (formerly called Apostleship of the Sea) to continue its important work – so please give generously. Thank you.