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Deacon John Writes

This Sunday we listen to a reading from the 1st Book of Kings. In this reading Solomon is told by God to ask for a gift from God. If you were asked that question what would you ask for? …….  Some possibilities might be: for more        patience; for so and so to change his/her attitude to me; for a change in my circumstances such as more money or less stress; or perhaps on a more positive note for the ability to love someone we do not get on with, or for me to respond better to others or for the strength to cope with the stresses of daily living. I am sure that you have lots more suggestions. However what about Solomon’s response? God was pleased when Solomon asked for “an understanding heart”. I think that God would be equally pleased with us if we asked for a more understanding and loving heart. My suggestion this week is that each day you pray for “a more loving and understanding heart”. Be like Solomon next week and then I am sure you will notice it happening to you!

All my love to each and every one.

Marriage Anniversaries Mass

Marriage Anniversaries mass – Saturday 30th  September 11.30am at Our Lady of Ransom, Eastbourne

Marriage is a vocation to celebrate. Whether you have been married for a year or for 70, if this year is a special one for you, join Bishop Richard and many others from across the Diocese to celebrate. The booking link is attached here Marriage Anniversaries Mass (30-Sep-2023) · ChurchSuite Events A    poster is also attached for display in your parish.

To find out about and book events hosted by the Diocese please visit our website events calendar W:

Deacon John Writes

Recently I found this article on the Internet. I share it with you as it gives one much to think about in our life choices and can encourage us.

“Former President Jimmy Carter often reflects on the changes he sees in people’s lives because of the work of Habitat for Humanity. “We see extraordinary commitments and lives changed among forgotten people,” he says. “A Habitat family that lived near Washington had been living in an abandoned automobile. One of their children was an eight-year-old boy. He was very excited about getting a new house. When the family was chosen, he jumped up and down and said, ‘We won, we won.’ After the home was finished and the family had moved in, the little boy attended a different school. He had always been in a slow learners’ class, but when he moved his records had been lost, and he was put into a regular class by mistake. No one noticed the error, and at the end of the first half of the year, his lowest grade was a B. Now he is still learning with the smartest of students. This is what having a decent home for the first time in life can do.” [From the book Living Faith, by Jimmy Carter, Random House (Audio Books, 1996).] — Now, you tell me. Was it the change of houses that made a difference, or did the way he was treated in the new school cause the boy to change his view of himself, freeing him to be who he really was? How we view ourselves is often reflected in the choices we make. If we have a positive view of ourselves, we will make positive choices. If we have a negative view of ourselves, then watch out! “

Have a good week and think about the choices you have made in the past. 

All my love to each and every one. DJ

Blackberry Picking

Blackberry Picking – we hope to enjoy some blackberry picking on the weekend of 9th/10th Sept.  This is something members of our parish have enjoyed doing together for several years and we want to extend the opportunity to everyone to enjoy some fun foraging and walking in nature.  If you are interested in and want more details please contact Sandra by email [email protected] or text/call on 07791 627368.  This is an event for all ages particularly our children accompanied by parent/guardian.  

Eastbourne Foodbank

Thank you to everyone who helped raise £300+ during June towards the work of Eastbourne Foodbank following the charity breakfast and sponsored walk fundraisers.  They were very grateful for the much needed donation as we come into the summer holidays when more and more people seek their support.  Please continue to bring donations or dry/tinned products and sanitary items to place in the basket at the back of St George’s Church if you can.

Hailsham Foodbank

Thank you for your generous donation of £530 towards the work of Hailsham foodbank.  We have been having to buy in food to keep up with the demand so very much appreciate monetary donations to enable us to do this alongside our usual running costs.  Thank you to the church for their   support in both donations and prayer.

Harmonics Family Singing Group Music Recital

Harmonics Family Singing Group Music Recital Saturday 5th August at 3pm St George’s Hall.  Led by Marylou St George’s organist and with some children from our parish and others locally this charity Music Recital is a chance to enjoy wonderful music/singing with delicious tea and cake.  Free Entry, fundraising by donations for Linking Lives and Let’s Talk Loneliness.  For more information speak to Marylou or Merce.