Latest News

Altar Server Mass

Altar Server Mass – Saturday 23rd September at    Arundel Cathedral:  Fr Aaron Spinelli, Diocesan    Director for the Guild of St Stephen, invites diocesan altar servers to a special Mass at Arundel Cathedral on Saturday 23 September at 12 noon, led by Bishop Richard. The Mass is for all those who have served, all those who are serving, and anybody who would like to serve – all are very welcome. Fr Aaron requests attendees bring a cassock/cotta or an alb (if possible), and a packed lunch. There is no need to register, though attendees are asked to E: [email protected] to confirm numbers.

A Big Thank You

A big thank you to all who supported the Charity Breakfast last Sunday, we raised £135 to help pay for resources for St Richard’s Art & DT students to design and make a set of Stations of the Cross for the new Chapel.  Once made and installed we will be sure to see if we can have a visit to see the Chapel and the school.

No breakfast in August but we return on the last Sunday of   September when we will be raising money for the Love in a Boxes transportation at Christmas.  It will also be our one year anniversary breakfast so we may even do something a little more special (watch this space!).

St George’s & St Wilfrid’s Parish Council

The role of the newly formed Parish Council is to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in our world. The Council will share in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of our faith community. We go forward together as one parish united within our two churches in Hailsham and Polegate. Together, our Council’s aim is to  provide support for everyone’s efforts to live as followers of Christ.

We are a consultative body that will help the Parish Priest consider pastoral and other such works within the Parish. Also, to propose and co-ordinate practical measures in implementing them. The Parish Priest will take into account their opinions and recommendations. We are not involved in Finance or the affairs of other Parish Groups.

Our members consist of the Parish Priest and an equal number of members from St George’s and St Wilfrid’s.

Our current members are:

St George’s: Mary Burbage, Nick Cooray, Mary O’Hanlan, Martin Falkner, Cathy Hollingdale, Joanne Knight, Liz Oram and from St Wilfrid’s: Lesley Crowe, Morgan Mukitirwa, John Mullaney, James O’Brien, Teresa Palmer or Angela   Squizzoni or Annette Wake (just one to attend each meeting) and Stephen Gartzen.  

Tea & Coffee at St George’s

Sandra would like to step down from overseeing this if possible, it is a simple role only requiring stock checks and replenishment and if one of the weekly volunteers can’t do their allocated slot helping to find a replacement.  Each week of the month has two volunteers allocated and the last week is always the breakfast team.  

St George’s

St George’s needs more help for social activities – we are trying hard to keep running activities alongside St Wilfrid’s but our current team is formed of the CL team mainly and those who already do a lot in our Parish.  If you can help us organise social events we would love your support.  Please consider joining us and the St Wilfrid’s parishioners at the committee meeting above so we can start working towards putting together a joint programme of events for 2022/23.  Speak to Sandra if you want to find out more in advance of the meeting 07791627368.

Families & Children of the Parish

Notice for all our Families with children or grandchildren under 18 and their friends – Children’s Liturgy in both our churches will resume during the masses on Sunday 10th September, we would love to see even more children joining us so spread the word to any other families you know who may not currently regularly attend.

Our Parish Children’s liturgy runs weekly during both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Sunday services during term time. We welcome everyone with our friendly smiles, child friendly teaching of Gods Word, creative opportunities to demonstrate understanding and lots of chances to have fun celebrating our faith with our friends. For more information on Children’s Liturgy speak directly to any of the catechists or email Father Rory at the Parish Office for your details to be passed on to the team.

And there’s more…as well as the weekly Children’s Liturgy we run a First Communion Programme for all year 3 or above children, a confirmation programme for our older children and plan activities outside of mass several times a year, see our Newsletter for more details of what we will be doing next.   Details of all will follow.

Charity Breakfast

The Charity Breakfast (Today):   The July breakfast will be held this Sunday 30th and will be raising money to help pay for Stations of the Cross in St Richards Catholic College Chapel which has recently been built to help with spiritual growth of the pupils.  Please Note: There will be no charity breakfast after mass at St George’s at the end of August.  We will resume on the last Sunday in September when we will be raising money for Love in a Box at Christmas.