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Fr Rory Writes:

“Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee,

blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”.

There is a kingdom of darkness that flails its way through our world, and Putin is one small example.  Above all, there is a kingdom of light that has come into our world: Christ the Lord.  Let us make sure that prayer has an essential place in our lives.  If God is for us who can be against; the trials and tribulations of life reveals that quite a lot of things can be against us.

Putting our best foot forward, these are the trials through which we triumph by the power of Him who loves us.  First and foremost, God holds all things together, so that an acknowledgement of our needs is important and the sure hope that this brings into our life is simply helpful.

Then as we move forward together in the life of our church, the parish council, our young peoples liturgy, the various ministries, the care for our churches, and especially a real life of faith shared together.  The question of Sunday     masses will not go away.  They need not put too much of a shadow if Christ is our life.  Our light will shine.

Because I am human, the fact that my church at home in Ireland does not have Sunday morning mass, makes the    challenge very real for me and I hope for all of us.

First Communion Preparation

Parents are invited to enrol their children for our First Holy Communion Programme 2023 – 24 (those entering Year 3 or above). Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church. The  course will begin with an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 28th at 6.00pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Deadline for enrolment is September 22nd .

For more information please contact Teresa Palmer. 07951082592,

Thank You

Thank you for the Music at St George’s – an overdue thank you is needed to Shirley for all she does to keep our music liturgy so beautifully prepared every Sunday.  A particular highlight had to be last week when Shirley sang Ave Maria during communion, most moving and perfectly placed within our service.  

Fr Rory Writes

Remaining with grace and peace

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

As we continue with the holiday season, our hopes and prayers are that we may all benefit from this time.  There are real signs that the worst of the pandemic has passed, but there will continue to be different variants and outbreaks.

So to remain cautious and careful is important, but to be positive and to be looking forward to a more normal and beneficial lifestyle is important.

Returning from a long stay in Ireland, lots of rain and some opportunities to catch up with, and benefit from meeting with family and friends with the future more hopeful and at ease.  I attended a second funeral of priests who were truly inspirational when they were teaching us in the seminary.  I always look back to a time of great hope, so their funeral brought great sadness.  So many seminaries closed and hopes not realised.   This time the priest Fr  Denis    Talbot got a good send off, acknowledging his life of service.

Altar Server Mass

Altar Server Mass – Saturday 23rd September at    Arundel Cathedral:  Fr Aaron Spinelli, Diocesan    Director for the Guild of St Stephen, invites diocesan altar servers to a special Mass at Arundel Cathedral on Saturday 23 September at 12 noon, led by Bishop Richard. The Mass is for all those who have served, all those who are serving, and anybody who would like to serve – all are very welcome. Fr Aaron         requests attendees bring a cassock/cotta or an alb (if possible), and a packed lunch. There is no need to register, though attendees are asked to E: [email protected] to confirm numbers.

Deacon John Writes

Earlier this week we had the Gospel about loaves and fishes. It includes the sentence “They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over – twelve wicker baskets full”. An article by Kristin Armstrong wrote about this saying that when she gets discouraged by having too much to do she asks God to “loaves-and-fishes her”. She agrees that this is not a grammatically correct prayer but she says that God always answers it. She realises that she is asking God to take what she can offer and work within her and increase her understanding and her capacity to serve and to show her love. God combines his abundance and limitless capacity and ensures that there is more than enough to go around. The best thing about this, she says, is that she is not spent or drained. She says she can take the pieces of her left overs and still have the energy for self-care, for gratitude, for creativity and for fun. She says “I am able to do without sacrificing my ability to be”.

I have found this useful during this week – perhaps you could try asking God to “loaves-and-fishes you” this coming week. I hope that prayer helps you if you do!

All my love to each and every one.