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Las Posadas

Las Posadas – A Journey towards Christmas

The tradition of having figures of Mary, Joseph and a donkey travelling from home to home during Advent originated in Mexico where it is known as posada. During Advent our nativity figures take a journey around the Hailsham area. Would you be willing to welcome them into your home for the night? It’s a great way to prepare for Christmas and fun for the whole    family! Two families meet every day in December as part of our preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, with one family handing the nativity over to another. It comes complete with suggested readings, prayers and Christmas hymns.

If you would like to be part, all you have to do is put your name on the list is in the narthex. The travelling nativity will be brought to you on this day. The following day you will deliver it to the next family on the list. You can agree the arrangements and the time to meet with the families yourself.

Deacon John Writes

In Calcutta, India, there is a children’s home named Shishu Bhavan founded by Mother Teresa.  The home continues to be operated by her community, the Missionaries of Charity.  On the wall of the home hangs a sign which has eight  sayings about people in this world and follows each with instructions about how to cope with it. One will appear in the newsletter each week for you to think about.

1. People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centred.   LOVE THEM ANYWAY.

Mother Teresa taught her young charges that the challenges offered by this sign can be met only if human beings are motivated by a love and a respect for one another which looks beyond faults, differences, ulterior motives, success, and failure.

Fr Rory Writes

Back on the horizon again

“The Great Feast of Christ the King”

One day this will be the Greatest Feast of All.  When Christ will come in His glory; and all will be raised to life in the  Glory of God’s Kingdom.  This is the true inspiration that Christ left with His disciples – the promise I will be with you always, and after I am gone I will send the Holy Spirit which the early disciples experienced at Pentecost.  This is at the heart of our lives of faith; and please God, with the help of the parish council; the renewal of different ministries, and the inspiration of our children’s liturgy groups, and young people, a need for a new generation is so important to all.  So really, really important is there notice last week.

Preparing for Advent Family Workshop: Saturday, Nov 18th, 3.30pm – 6.00pm, St Wilfrid’s Hall. Following the success of last years event we are going to hold another Parish Advent Workshop and look forward to seeing many of our  families there. This is an opportunity for families to come together and have fun, be creative and prepare for Advent. There will be variety of Christmas related activities, relevant to all ages, followed by a short time of worship and a shared meal.  Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. To book your place please complete the form available at the back of church and collect a tear off slip for your small contribution to bring to the shared meal.

Volunteer Drivers Urgently Needed

We are looking for some people who would be available during the week (usually in the morning) who would be able to drive our van and pick up food donations.  They would need to be over 30 to comply with our insurance conditions.  (Somebody younger could still help by being the passenger to assist with loading and unloading the van).  If your availability is limited but you would still like to help you could go on our reserve team.

If you are interested please contact Phil Cole at                        [email protected].  

Preparing for Advent Family Workshop

Saturday, Nov 18th, 3.30pm – 6.00pm, St Wilfrid’s Hall. Following the success of last years event we are going to hold another Parish Advent Workshop and look forward to seeing many of our families there. This is an opportunity for families to come together and have fun, be creative and prepare for Advent. There will be  variety of Christmas related activities, relevant to all ages,    followed by a short time of worship and a shared meal.  Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. To book your place please complete the form available at the back of church and collect a tear off slip for your small contribution to bring to the shared meal.

World Mission Sunday

Thank you for celebrating World Mission Sunday

Thank you very much for your donations to World Mission Sunday last week.  Your prayers and support of World   Mission Sunday will help missionaries work alongside communities throughout the world that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.  Please pray for the work of Missio and all those working to offer the love of Jesus, that we may remain strong in our witness to Christ’s love for all peoples.  To continue supporting mission throughout the year, please go to or call 020 7821 9755 (office hours).

Fr Rory Writes

“Next time we meet, see you in heaven”

What a beautiful note coming from the mouth of Ruth Ayres to her friend Judy Davies, as her farewell greeting just before she flies out to her new life with her daughter in America.  When the spirit is willing then age can only be a number even if the health is not good.  Next Sunday it will be the turn of St George’s church to give thanks for all our treasured memories of those who contributed so much to the life of this church over the years.  We will have special prayers and blessing in the garden after the Mass.

Solid steps are being taken to develop our lives of faith and ministry here together in our parish.  In the wider context in our diocese much of the focus remains on what priests are available to the parish.  Our efforts over the years to be a body made up of many parts working together will be truly tested.   Our new parish council, with all the work that is taking place by our children’s liturgy group with the hope that it will serve all our young members better.  Yes a new     generation is required.

Saints & Sinners Concert

SAINTS & SINNERS CONCERT Our Lady of Ransom Church (Grange Road, BN21 4EU) – SATURDAY 4THNOVEMBER 7.30pm with refreshments interval    midway.  An evening of secular and sacred music and storytelling, exploring and celebrating the journey of faith as saints and sinners on the road.  John         Holstrom (keyboard) and Dominic Dring (saxophone, flute and vocals), Elisha Dring (singer) and special guests.  Donation (suggest £5 to £10) on the night, with money raised going towards a local charity.