A fun packed day with celebration masses at both St Wilfrid’s and St George’s, sponsored walk, delicious afternoon tea. More details to follows.
Latest News
The Parish Rosary Group
The Parish Rosary Group meets every Monday at 2pm in St George’s Hall (not bank holidays). Everyone is welcome to join as a regular or occasional member to Pray the Rosary a most wonderful devotion together. May is the Month of Our Lady so a good time to start.
Crowning our Lady
Crowning our lady is part of all our parish tradition and children’s liturgy focus in May. Last week at St Wilfrid’s the children had a Godly play session focusing on the wonders of Our Mother Mary and then crowned her during mass. This week at St George’s our children will make the flower crown for our lady’s statue in the remembrance garden and we invite everyone to join them in song while they crown her.
Womble Day
(The Parish big help out) Sat June 1st, 10-4pm. Both St Wilfrid’s and St George’s desperately need your help to garden, clean, tidy etc. There are also several maintenance tasks for those who are good with tools and paint brushes. We are currently creating a list of jobs: some small, some a little
bigger, but enough for us all to have something to volunteer for on the day. More details to follow but please save the date and ask your family to join us if they can- even if only for half an hour. Many hands make light work – don’t assume others will do it. Refreshments will be provided.
Fr Rory Writes
Next Sunday we celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost
“Pour forth we beseech thee O Lord thy grace, into our hearts that we to whom the incarnation of Christ was made known by the message of an angel”.
I continue to return to the seed that has to be sown, then the saplings start to grow; cultivation plays such an important part. A time comes when that participation becomes a critical part as in the natural order of our lives, nourishment plays an essential part. To stop or to neglect to nourish a body has a large effect, sometimes critical. We have reached the second stage in our plans for baptism, and from this all the ministries must flow and continue to develop and grow. When we were in the seminary the R.C.I.A. process was continually brought to our attention. Unfortunately all our parishes were not prepared for it, and maybe parish priests not prepared to listen.
Please God, after a lot of work I have persons within our parish community and with the help of the parish council, we are beginning to respond to the great challenge that is before us. Bob Waters highlighted the importance of the
challenge that Pope Francis was introducing when he introduced the Synod. Our work with baptism preparation is the key step into our response to the work that Bishop Richard has established with a plan for the diocese.
Gift Aid Donor Statements
All Gift Aid statements for the tax year 2023/24 will be sent out by the end of May. In order to reduce the costs of stationery and postage we are requesting that all donors (envelope and standing order) opt to have their letter issued by email. In order to do this could you please send your email details through to the Parish Secretary so that our records can be updated. Please state in the title of the email “Gift Aid Donor Contact Details” for either St George’s or St Wilfrid’s and send to [email protected]
Important Notice
For health and safety reasons no donations for St George’s table sale should be left outside the hall or church. Donations need to be new or nearly new and suitable to sit on a table for sale. They should be left inside the back of the church or on the hall stage. Thank you to everyone for your support of our sales table both donating and purchasing, all money raised is split between our monthly charity and our youth activities.
Race Night
Thank you to all those who helped and supported the race night last Friday. £490 was raised which will go towards a new laptop for our Secretary Jackie.
Church Flowers
Are you able to spare an hour once or twice a month to help with the floral decorations at St Wilfrid’s? Please speak to Agata Wiktor or Jean Barham if you are able to volunteer to become part of our valuable team.
Fr Rory Writes
A focus for our prayer.
Back on the road again to give our attention to this special and important time of our year.
The Ascension of Our Divine Lord into Heaven, and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit at the Great Feast of Pentecost, provides us with the power of the Holy Spirit to help us to bear true witness to our faith.
Almighty and ever living God, you raised up your son, Jesus Christ, when we afflicted Him with all our sins so having Him crucified. Now that you have raised Him to life, and life of the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us, so that we may receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self control. Help us to become more responsible as the people of God, growing in the ministries of the church at this time. Through your Holy Spirit we may become communities of faith, growing in the ministries. At the present time we are especially focused upon the ministry of welcome, and ministries of the eucharist, equally aware of ministry of the word, ministry of music; of formation, of social care and action.