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Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

Racial Justice Sunday 2020

This weekend Sunday 9th February 2020 the Catholic Church in England and Wales will celebrate Racial Justice – the theme is: “You are at the heart of the Church”.  It will celebrate the contribution travelling communities make to the church in England and Wales.  It is an opportunity for all Catholics to pray for, reflect on and respond to racial justice matters within the church and wider society.  Racial Justice Sunday should encourage proactive discussions on overt and covert forms of racism experienced by fellow Catholics from the travelling communities.  To support the church in its work with travellers, a second collection will be taken this weekend.  Your contributions, however great or small will help to make a difference.

St George’s Church

St George’s Church:  St George’s hall kitchen is being totally refurbished from 13th February. The hall will not be available for use or be accessible from this date until at least 20th February. Apologies for inconvenience but the end result will be worth it, enhancing our lovely hall.

Lourdes Pilgrimage 24th to 30th July 2020

Lourdes Pilgrimage 24th to 30th July 2020

The pilgrimage helps contribute towards the cost of any sick or disabled pilgrim, and those helpers who care for them, who lack the necessary funds to go to Lourdes.  A small amount of the funds donated are also used to nurture our young leaders, so that they develop and are able to take on more responsibility.

Your donations not only helps those who go on the pilgrimage but also helps the carers, parents and family who have a rest at home whilst their family member enjoys the week in Lourdes.  For some, this is the only break they get throughout the year, so your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.

We give you our heartfelt thanks in advance, on behalf of those we help financially, for responding to this appeal.  If you would like to go on the Lourdes Pilgrimage as a helper, please see our website Thank you again for your generosity and support., and please be assured of our prayers at the Grotto for you and your family this July.

Fr Rory Writes

Fr Rory Writes:

With the new year well on its way; we are very aware of our members of what I call the “A Team”, or “Ace Team”, which I inherited, that we have lost through bereavement.  We were blessed by them, and eternal rest and reward grant unto them, O’Lord.

Thanks be to God, we are finding new people to help.  The Parish Finance Committee had its first meeting, and it was a great help to me.  Please God, there is light at the end of the tunnel, with the hope that my driving license will return and this will be a great help also.  It will take some more time, so I remain very grateful for all the offers of transport.

Of great importance are our Children’s Liturgies and I am very grateful to those who give their time and effort.  The Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Group at St Wilfrid’s has got off to a very good start.  There is a large group this year; and with the lead that we have received by St George’s with their many different activities through the year, hopefully developing a stronger sense of community.

All ready attention has to be given to the great seasons of Lent, Easter and Pentecost, particularly to have music in place for these events.  We have had a request here at St Wilfrid’s to host the special ecumenical service which is a very important new initiative.  Recently ecumenical events had declined, which is a pity.  Also, this coming Friday we have our Special Devotions Mass and Healing Service at St George’s Church.

CAFOD Parish Volunteer

Would you be interested in becoming a CAFOD Parish Volunteer in your church?   The main activity would be promoting the two CAFOD Fast Days collections (Lent and Harvest), emergency appeals and World Gifts.  Additionally you would ensure CAFOD’s work is held in prayer through Bidding Prayers plus Lent and Advent liturgies.  Occasionally you would organise the signing of campaign cards and placing notices in your parish Newsletter Contact Jenny Finlayson for an informal discussion CAFOD Arundel & Brighton Community Participation Coordinator Email: [email protected]   Tel No: 01483-898866 St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, Surrey GU5 0QX 

Knights of St Columba

The Knights of St Columba are pleased to announce that  a £200 donation has been made to Children with Cancer Fund, Polegate, following our Christmas Poinsettia Sale.  This would not have been possible without your participation, and we are very grateful for that.  Thank you very much.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday (26th February):  According to tradition, the ashes should come from the burning of palm branches or palm crosses used on the previous Palm Sunday.  If you still have yours from last year please bring them to St Wilfrid’s during the next two weeks, and leave them on the table in the church please.  Thank you.

Murder Mystery at Our Lady of Ransom

You are invited to a Murder Mystery  at Our Lady Of Ransom Parish Centre, Eastbourne  on 15th February at 6.45 for 7.15 pm.  Dinner will be served during the reading of Lady Maud’s Will. Should a murder take place, you will be needed to help trace the murderer! Tickets cost £10, and the event is in support of the Lourdes Redshirts, Youth Volunteers’ Charity. Tickets and details from Maura 430532:  Berni 723222, or the Parish Centre.