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St Patrick’s Day Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s:

Fr Rory started us off with a special mass, mind you all Fr Rory’s Masses are special.  Teresa gave us a shortened version of St Patrick’s life, the children did their bit as it was their turn to do the readings, we have some very good readers in the making, then it was over to the hall for a buffet picnic, beautiful cake, homemade by Lesley, Irish music was played, and we all joined in singing.   Not many of us can get up to dance a jig now! But our legs and feet were doing so sitting down.

Next week will be Easter Sunday, so this week is the last date for bringing in empty or filled bags, box is in the porch to receive them please.  After last years very successful table full of surprise bags, lets make this years even better!  These will be on sale after Easter Sunday Mass in the hall, adult £2 & children £1, prize everytime.  There will also be refreshments, a time to mingle and get to know your fellow parishioners and celebrate as Lent will be over.

Easter Collection:

Easter Collection: As I am sure many of you are aware, Catholic Priests do not receive a salary and rely on your generosity at Christmas and Easter as a thank you for all they do for us. It is also possible to claim gift aid on your donation if you are a UK taxpayer and that extra 25% will go directly to Father Rory. If you aren’t part of a planned giving scheme then please use the “one off” gift aid envelopes     located in the porch. You can also contribute via the digital collection plate at St Wilfrid’s, QR Code or via the donations website link (https:/ )  using the “Easter Collections” tab. 

Scripture Reading for Lent:

The Lord says this: ‘If you do away with the yoke, the clenched fist, the wicked word, if you give your bread to the hungry, and relief to the oppressed, your light will rise in the darkness, and your shadows become like noon. The Lord will always guide you, giving you relief in desert places. He will give strength to your bones and you shall be like a   watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never run dry. [Isaiah 58:9-11]

Fr Rory and Deacon John Writes:

Looking forward to and preparing for Holy Week,

actions speak louder than words.

Deacon John Writes:

Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday and I suggest a special activity for the last days of Lent – Holy Week:

Palm Sunday: Come to Stations of the Cross and Benediction today – St George’s 3pm.

Monday: Determine one way that you will help the poor this week.

Tuesday: Spend the day offering positive compliments and thoughts.

Wednesday: What have you been putting off during Lent? Do it today.

Thursday: Decide in what small way you will serve others.

Good Friday: Attend a Good Friday service.

Holy Saturday: Before sleeping tonight offer a prayer of gratitude for the gift of eternal life.

Easter Sunday: Do at least one act of kindness today.

Easter blessings in abundance to you all. Deacon John and Fr Rory.

The Gift

THE GIFT: An Eastertide series of 6 inspiring sessions on the role and gifts of the Holy Spirit. A great way to prepare together for all the important changes as the Deanery becomes a single new Parish in the coming months. Rooted in Scripture, Church Teaching and reflections from Pope Francis. Weekly on Thursdays from 11 April – 16 May, in Our Lady of Ransom Parish Hall (Eastbourne) from 11.45am – 1.15 pm, with refreshments, after the 11.00 am Mass. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!

Lynne Phair’s September Bike Ride

Please support Lynne Phair’s September Bike Ride from Eastbourne to Amsterdam in Aid of St Wilfrid’s    Hospice.  Lynne will be selling raffle tickets after Mass in St G’s Hall on Sun 17 March & Sun 7 April. The prizes are: 1st prize Electric Bike, 2nd prize Food Hamper, 3rd prize A Wine Hamper.  Tickets will be £2 each.  Or donate to  Thank you.