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Deacon John Writes

This Sunday is called Pentecost Sunday.  Pentecost literally means 50th. It is a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus by Christians.

There were 4 important and unique events which happened on the day of Pentecost: 

1. The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary as fiery tongues.  The frightened apostles were      transformed into fiery preachers and evangelisers and were given the gift of tongues by a special anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

2. The listeners experienced a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit through the apostles’ gift of tongues: they heard Peter speaking in their native languages. 

3. The early Christians became powerful witnesses and brave martyrs for their Faith in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit plays a huge role in our lives as Christians. Some of these roles are:

1. As an indwelling God, the Holy Spirit makes us His Living Temples (I Cor 3:16). 

2. As a strengthening God, He strengthens us in our fight against temptations and in our mission of bearing witness to Christ by our transparent Christian lives.

3. As a sanctifying God, He makes us holy through the Sacraments: Through Baptism He makes us children of God and heirs of Heaven. Through Confirmation, He makes us temples of God, warriors, and defenders of the Faith. Through the Sacrament of      Reconciliation, He enables us to be reconciled with God by pardoning our sins. Through the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, He gives us spiritual nourishment by converting bread and wine into Jesus’ Body. Through the Sacraments of Ordination and Marriage, He makes the Church community holy.

4. As a teaching and guiding God, He clarifies and constantly reminds us of Christ’s teachings and guides the Church in presenting Christ’s teachings correctly. 

5. As a listening and speaking God, He listens to our prayers, enables us to pray, and speaks to us, mainly through the Bible.

6. As a Giver of gifts, He gives us His gifts, fruits, and charisms, thereby enriching the Church.

Fr Rory Writes

The Twelfth Station:  Jesus ascends into heaven to return at the end of time.

When the day of Pentecost came … the disciples were waiting.  It was after the crucifixion when word of the resurrection started spreading.  Some of the disciples had witnessed the ascension, but the disturbance caused by the crucifixion was the predominant factor, and fear was part of the environment.  We started with the way of the cross for Lent, with the current fear of the virus very real. 

We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.

Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit to help and inspire the disciples in their work. 

And then they actually see and witness Jesus ascending into heaven. 

Two angels are there to remind us that he has not gone for good but will be back.

Help us Jesus to await your return with faith and eagerness, and to look forward to our own resurrection on the last day.

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give praise to his name.

The Thirteenth Station:  Mary and the apostles pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

So from the Mount of Olives they went back to Jerusalem and when they reached the city they went to the upper room.  In the newsletter last week was a point of focus for all of us; St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Churches – two communities, one parish.  As we move out of lockdown and look forward to the future, we can anticipate sharing events and news more often.

We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.

The apostles prayed together for nine whole days with Mary and several other women, whilst waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus please help us to remember the effects of common prayer,

and to use it, not only for our own good, but especially for the Peace and wellbeing of the whole world.

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give praise to his name.

The Fourteenth Station:  Jesus sends the promised Holy Spirit upon Mary and the apostles.

When Pentecost  day came round they had all met together, when suddenly came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind, which filled the entire room.  When I was in the seminary a phenomena called “charismatic renewal” was in the air, the life in the spirit  seminars began to develop.  One of the phenomena most spoken about was “speaking in tongues”.  I was occasionally involved, certainly witness to “praying in tongues”.  Through the years I have from time to time found this to be very helpful,  especially when in the church praying on my own.  The early accounts add to this; they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak different languages as the Holy Spirit give them the power to express themselves.

We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you for you rose from the dead and have sent your Holy Spirit to live in us.

This extraordinary Spirit empowered Peter – previously unreliable – clearly to confirm and proclaim Jesus’ Resurrection to the great crowd; and the Spirit empowered every listener to understand in his or her own language.

Come Holy Spirit, come to us, and strengthen our faith.  May we, with your help, spread our faith to our neighbours.  Jesus help us to remember that it is through your Resurrection that we have the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us throughout our daily lives.  Lord Jesus we thank you for such a wonderful miracle.

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give praise to his name

2021 – A Year of Opportunity

2021 – A year of opportunity
An online talk with Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD

26th May at 7.30 pm, Cost £5

This year the UK will host two major international gatherings: the G7 and the Climate Conference (COP26). Christine Allen will explore ways in which these events could make a difference to our world, especially to the lives of people who live in poverty. She will reflect on the impact of COVID-19 and draw lessons for the future for our interdependence with one another and with our natural world as we seek to recover and heal after the pandemic. You can book online or T: 01428 642161


Smarties – thank you to all the children who saved their pennies during Lent in their Smartie tubes.  The money raised was for us to buy something for Chestnut Tree House.  This could buy arts and craft materials, Lego or games, but we want to know what the children would like to buy so please ask them to vote for their preferred purchase and text the choice to Sandra on 07791627368. 

Deacon John Writes

We have heard a lot about ‘LOVE’ in the readings this Eastertide. This coming Sunday, the last before the great feast of Pentecost, is no exception. The love of God is not easy to explain to children since they are not able to see it for themselves. Yes, we tell them stories about Jesus and take them to Mass but the concept of believing in something they cannot see can be very difficult. However, we do try to give them something they can see – we give unstintingly of our love which has no conditions attached, and is always there for them to see and feel. This is how children learn what love is. This week let us imagine God whispering to each one of us “I will always love you and have always done so. I know you by your name so take courage, trust me to guide you along the path of love. Love for me and for all you meet.” Always remember that Jesus prayed for us, loved us and hoped that we will be one with him and live in God’s love. We, too, can pray for His love and that we will never fail or forget Him. Let us all think and do like St. Peter did when he said to Jesus, face to face, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”

So, every day, there is something we can all do: Tell him in your prayers 

Fr Rory Writes


The Tenth Station:  Jesus appoints Peter head of the church.

With the appointment of Peter, an uneducated fisherman, His work on earth is done.  With Peter at its head He commissions the church to carry out His work.  His mandate is clear “good trees bear good fruit, and by your fruits you shall know them”.  There is no magic Formula, and throughout the years there is a very mixed outcome.  So the commission given to the church will be the constant challenge until the fulness of time.  Again there is no magic.

“We love you Lord Jesus and we trust in you”

At the beginning of the first lockdown the divine office was a help and an inspiration to me, summed up in the hymns from Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal.

Come, Holy Spirit, live in us

With God the Father and the Son,

And grant us your abundant grace

To sanctify and make us one.

The Eleventh Station:  The risen Lord sends the disciples to evangelise all nations.

As His mission draws near to its end, Jesus makes it very clear that it is good for us that he should go.  John 16. 7.  “Yet you are sad at heart  because I have told you this, still I must tell you the truth:  It is for your own good that I am going because unless I go, the advocate will not come to you”.

We are very much like the early disciples, a work in progress and some would say without much success.  The question of vocations to the priesthood at this time and the great call of the Second Vatican Council leaves us if we are sincere “calling out for the Holy Spirit to come and refresh us, and the hierarchy.  From the second verse of the Hymn:

May mind and tongue made strong in love

Your praise throughout the world proclaim,

And make that love within our hearts

Set fire to others with its flame.

The Twelfth Station:  Jesus ascends into heaven to return at the end of time.

On His way Jesus said to them “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.  But you will receive power from the Holy Spirit when He comes on you; and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth”.  Truly it is a time to be open to, indeed to implore the Holy Spirit to transform our lives.

Most blessed Trinity of love,

For whom the hearts of man was made,

To you be praise in timeless song,

And everlasting homage paid.

Let us really look forward with hope and confidence.  Next Sunday we will have two of our young parishioners celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation and please God, on Sunday 11th July at St George’s Church and Sunday 18th July at St Wilfrid’s Church we will have celebrations for our return to life in our parish.

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, Alleluia

Give praise to his name.

Fundraiser for Pax Christi

Fundraiser for Pax Christi:
In the week from 15 to 21 May, Pax Christi, the Catholic Peace organisation, will be trying to raise funds to make up for lost income due to Covid19. Fausta is having a dance-a-thon, Bruce is delivering a peace message to foreign embassies in London, Matt is cycling 50 miles visiting peace sites, Pat is going on a walk from Victoria to the Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park, Rachel will be cycling for 75 miles, to celebrate Pax Christi’s 75th anniversary. More fundraisers are joining the fun.
Please go to their website  for details on how you can sponsor them.


Confirmation – Plans are currently underway to prepare Catechists to undertake Confirmation instruction for children, who will be in year 10 and above, and wish to take the Sacrament in 2022.  More details to follow once a programme has been fully planed by the Catechists and Children’s Liturgy team. 

St George’s First Holy Communion

St George’s First Holy Communion – We are delighted to confirm that on 27th June three of our children will share Communion for the first time at St George’s Church.  We hope to be able to welcome as many parishioners as possible to attend this service, priority will be given to the families’ guests, but there will be space for others. If you wish to attend please contact Margaret Piegrome or Sandra King.  Please keep the children and their families in your prayers at this very special time in their Faith Journey.

St George’s Children’s Liturgy

St George’s Children’s Liturgy:  We are delighted that Children’s Liturgy has now returned bi-weekly in St George’s Hall.  The dates we will be in session are as follows: 9th May, when we will discuss the day’s Gospel with the children, when we hope to make a crown of flowers and Crown Our Lady’s Statue in the memorial garden; other dates  –  23rd May, 6th June, and 20th June.  We may return to weekly from July but will be guided by the Covid-19 changes.   All children are welcome to the sessions but you must book in advance by contacting Sandra by email at [email protected] or phone 07791 627368.