St Wilfrid’s Crowning of Our Lady’s Statue: This took place last Sunday and was enjoyed by all, especially the children.
Category: Saint Wilfrid’s Latest News
A Big Thank You
A Big Thank You: from Jean Spring and her “hearing dog” for her Birthday celebrations in the Hall after Sunday Mass last week.
Hailsham Foodbank
Hailsham Foodbank: Have given 3 day emergency food parcels for 2071 people between April 18 and March 19. This is a 39% increase on the previous year and actual increase of 585 people. 1.6 million were given out across the country. They were donated 17,691kg of stock. During the Easter Holiday Shack they served 203 hot meal. They have served 1795 meals since the Holiday Shack started in April 16. They were successful with a Bags of Help grant with Tesco and this month and June you can put your blue tokens in for them for help towards the Holiday Shack. Thank you.
United Nations Lunch – Change of Date
United Nations Lunch – Change of Date: Please note the United Nations Lunch will now take place on Sunday 30th June, 12noon at St Wilfrid’s Church.
Advance Notice
Advance Notice: Wednesday 29th May, 7.30pm at St Wilfrid’s Church, there will be a Vigil Mass of the Ascension.
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion
St Wilfrid’s: First Holy Communion day is Sunday 26th May during our 10.30am Mass. We have four candidates this year, William, Freddie, Kiara and Carlos. Please pray for them and their families.
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table: We have had a “make over” and the table is laden with goods for sale, do come and browse after any of our Masses. Choose what you would like and pop a reasonable donation in our Honesty Pot. We have had an influx of all sorts of jewellery for sale which fills an additional table.
Easter Collection
The offertory collection over the Easter weekend goes towards the upkeep of Fr Rory your Parish Priest. This collection is only taken twice a year, Christmas and Easter.
Mothering Sunday at St Wilfrid’s
Mothering Sunday at St Wilfrid’s: A very big THANK YOU to everyone who arranged and organised this Happy Mass. The children really enjoyed their readings, prayers and musical hymns, such a variety of bells, tambourines and shakers for the final hymn, even Fr Kieran was seen shaking a maraca to the music. Then the children handed out a beautiful yellow rose to all the ladies. A special “Mothering Sunday” cake was washed down with a cuppa in the hall afterwards.
St Wilfrid’s Easter Raffle
St Wilfrid’s Easter Raffle: To be drawn in our hall after the 10.30am Mass on Easter Sunday. Tickets are available in the hall after Masses, see Joan/Annette/Sophie. £1 per strip. There are 20 good prizes to be won. All proceeds will go to the church.