St Wilfrid’s Bereavement Mass last Sunday at 3pm

St Wilfrid’s Bereavement Mass last Sunday at 3pm:  This was very well attended.  Lovely to see some of our housebound parishioners being brought to the service, and after tea and cakes in the hall, where they could chat to friends they hadn’t seen for some time.  We would like this beautiful service more often.  It was lovely to meet up with our friends from St George’s who attended and enjoyed the service so much with us.

St Wilfrid’s Sales Table

St Wilfrid’s Sales Table:  We have some Christmas Gifts for sale and have also been given a baby rocking cot by one of our new mums – any offers?  The money taken during November will go towards much needed sound equipment for the Hall.  The table is a permanent fixture in the hall, so please do come and browse and place your money in the honest pot.   Thank you.

St Wilfrid’s – Money Collected from Children’s Sale and Harvest Products

St Wilfrid’s – Money Collected from Children’s Sale and Harvest Products:  The final amount collected for Gifts to our Friends in the Third World Countries amounted to £115. This will be distributed to several poor communities in the form of helpful gifts, to enable them to be a little self sufficient, through representatives from CAFOD.  There is a notice in the church porch showing the Countries and gifts who will benefit, please take a few minutes after Mass to read this.  Much work has been going on behind the scenes and we and the children are very proud of all efforts.  Thank you.

Wealden Dementia Action Alliance – Hailsham Community Cafe

Wealden Dementia Action Alliance – Hailsham Community Café:

St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Second Thursday of the month, 2pm till 4pm.  A free service and community café with entertainment and activities for local people.  Free refreshments and activities.  Everyone welcomeFor more information please contact: [email protected] or Tel: 01323 443266.

The Link Coffee Shop & Southerden Books

The Link Coffee Shop & Southerden Books:  celebrated their twenty fifth anniversary on Tuesday 1st October.  In order to further mark this event, there will be a service of celebration and recommissioning on Sunday 17th November at Hailsham Parish Church commencing at 3pm, followed by refreshments in the Church Lounge.  Everyone is warmly invited and we look forward to welcoming all volunteers and regular customers, past and present.

St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival

St Wilfrid’s Harvest Festival:  The theme this year was the “Destruction of our Planet by Us”.  Our usual magnificent display around the altar spread even further to include a “Bee Keepers Outfit”, advertising the fact that our Bee Keeper – Peter, would be in the hall to demonstrate how important the Bees are to our planet.  Fr Kieran thought this was an excellent idea, and joined us in the hall after Mass.  The children aided by Jerry, sold the fresh fruit and veg outside the church.  The total amount raised was £110.46 which included a donation from one of the housebound and the Oct takings from the sales table.  This will go to CAFOD to purchase a gift to help our friends in the 3rd World Countries.  Well done and a big thank you to everyone who helped and contributed to this event.