Thank you for supporting CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Lunch and Lenten Workshop. A big thank you to all who supported our Soup Lunch and Lenten workshop. We had a wonderful time tasting a variety of wholesome soups and everyone enjoyed taking part in a range of activities. Thank you to all who made this such a successful event. As a result of your generous donations, given in love, you have raised an amazing 363.50! This will be enough to buy 3 GPS trackers for families like James the fishermen. You are keeping the fishermen safe and helping them to feed their families for good. You can still give online at
Category: Saint Wilfrid’s Latest News
St Wilfrid’s Memorial Garden Stone
We are compiling a list of deceased members of our parish to be inscribed on St Wilfrid’s Memorial Garden Stone. Please could you let us know if you would like a name added and if you require a space to be left underneath. Please email your requests to [email protected] Thank you.
Thank you for giving to CAFOD’s Lent Appeal. Your generous gifts will ensure that CAFOD’s local experts, like Sister Anthonia in Sierra Leone, can support families with training in growing and making healthy food so that children can grow up big and strong. You can still donate on the CAFOD website ( or join CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger to raise vital funds to tackle extreme hunger and its causes.
Volunteer Opportunity at St George’s for Sacristan
At St George’s we need someone to train up as a Sacristan, either gender. As you know we have three Masses a week. Sunday at nine o`clock and Tuesday and Thursday at ten o`clock. It is such a rewarding and uplifting task, preparing for Mass . If you feel you could do it, please ask Fr. Rory, Angela or myself Cathy or ring me 01323 487688 for more information. Thank you.
Children’s Good Friday Way of the Cross (family friendly)
Deacon John Writes
The first reading this weekend tells us how God shows His mercy to His chosen people. How did he do this? He gave them Moses as their leader and liberator. Then God reveals His name as Yahweh (“I AM Who I AM”) and renews His promise to the to give them a “land flowing with milk and honey.” The Psalm reminds us of God’s unfailing mercy: “The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy.” The second reading warns us that our merciful God is also a disciplining God. Paul reminds the Christians of Corinth that they must learn from the sad experience of the Israelites who were punished for their sins by a merciful God, one who is also a just God, so we must be careful and not fall into sin. The Gospel invites us to repent of our sins, to renew our lives, and to produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The parable of the poor fig tree, warns us that the merciful God will not put up with us indefinitely. Yes, God is patient and waits for sinners to repent, assisting them with his grace to do this, but, He will not wait forever. We must always remember that our time on earth may run out and we really should realise that repentance is necessary before this happens!
Have you ever wondered why we say “God Bless You” when someone sneezes? Jewish sages tell us that it has to do with an ancient belief that the Lord just blessed that person with another day here on His earth. Another day in which we can repent of our sins – a day of grace!
Children’s Liturgy Fundraising during Lent 2022
Join us to support
For more information on the work Tiny Tickers does visit Registered Charity No: 1078114
During Lent we are asking our children and families to raise money for Tiny Tickers. 1 in 125 babies is born with a serious heart condition. Tiny Tickers helps to fund pulse oximetry monitors in maternity wards and for use at home births. Early detection of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) is key to saving lives. Our local NHS Trust has committed to having these monitors and all funds raised by our children will go to help make this happen. Please support our children in their efforts through taking part in the below activities, if you can, and with your prayers and generosity.
The Great Bake & Raffle – Sunday 20th March after 9am Mass
Please join us in the St George’s church hall at 9.45am (therefore before or after mass depending on Church attended) for tea and coffee with home baked treats and take part in our raffle.
(NEEDED – Suitable Raffle items, new gifts or bottles/boxes of chocolates – please pass to Children’s Liturgy team or leave at back of church marked Raffle – thank you)
Sponsored – Walk, Talk & Picnic – Jevington to Alfriston
Sunday 3rd April 12noon (picnic approx. 1.30pm)
Our parish Children, their families and children’s liturgy leaders are planning a sponsored walk from Jevington to Alfriston, 3+miles (and some will also walk back). Everyone is welcome to join us on this lovely South Downs walk, however we realise the terrain is not ideal for all. For those who can’t manage the walk you are invited to join us for our picnic at Alfriston, in the Church grounds. Even if you are not able to join us, you can help us by sponsoring the children, forms are now available at the back of church. If you can gift aid please do. Reserve date April 10th – contact Sandra on 07791 627368 or email [email protected] for further information.
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion
The next lesson is…
The next First Holy Communion lesson will be on Tuesday 18th Jan at 5:30pm.
Hailsham Foodbank
Hailsham Foodbank: Are you available on either Thur 21st or Fri 22nd November between 9 and 5, for an hour/hour and a half and would like to volunteer in the store on one of these days for Hailsham Foodbank? We are going to be in Hailsham Tesco’s doing our yearly Food Collection. Tracey and Julie would enjoy your company. Please sign up using the link below or contact Tracey at Hailsham Foodbank [email protected]
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table
St Wilfrid’s Sales Table: We have been given a beautiful dresser to display our goods for sale. We have a Christmas theme already overflowing with Fr Christmases and snowmen etc. Many of these were sold to parishioners after the 3pm Mass last Sunday, they did appreciate the chance to join in the fun.