Thank you for giving to Sea Sunday. Our parish raised £228.06. Your generous gifts will ensure that Stella Maris chaplains can continue to be a friend for seafarers and fishers in times of need. To find out more about how your support helps those who live and work at sea please visit
Category: Saint Wilfrid’s Latest News
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024:
Please pray for the 850 people from our Diocese that will Process on the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage this week. We pray especially for Laura, Claudia, Maria and Sandra from St Georges who will be going as helpers. They plan to light candles and request masses whilst they are in Lourdes for our whole Parish intentions. If anyone has anything in particular they may wish a mass to be offered or candles lit for please email Sandra [email protected] or text 07791627368 with the details and she will ensure she does this for you.
Thank you:
Jean and Ernie Wyatt thank both communities at St Wilfrid`s and St George’s for the prayers, cards and good wishes during their recent illness. We are recovering slowly and hope to be back to full health very soon. God bless you all.
Fr Rory’s Golden Jubilee
What a wonderful day it was. First the “Good Lord” sent a beautiful sunny day. Mass at St George’s & St Wilfrid’s was very special and started off this very extraordinary occasion. Celebrations all day in both halls suitably decorated. Fr Rory enjoyed it all on his very happy day. It was so lovely to have his family around him. The banquets of food were overwhelming and the entertainment; Storyteller, Magician, Irish Dancers, Indian Dancers and Great Band where we all let ourselves go! With singing, some dancing and the “conga” , others taping our feet under the table. The atmosphere was electric. A very big thank you to all the committee who organized the event and an extra special thank you to Sandra (amazing party planner) and her family for making the day run so smoothly. We are blessed in both communities with many good helpers and we do appreciate all the work that goes on behind the scenes and on the day itself, without your hard work and time given freely, none of these wonderful celebrations would happen. Well done all of you, Fr Rory himself was so happy and proud of all the work that was done on his behalf.
A Big Thank You to our Fr Rory. You may not be the most practical person! But to us you are a wonderful priest carrying out your duties from the day you were ordained. You have a special gift of making a person feel special and when saying mass the person thinks it is said just for them. Please continue to be you Fr Rory and stay with us for as long as our Bishop will allow. God bless you always.
Parish Over 50’s Club
Don’t forget no tea in July, back again Thursday 29th August, 2pm. Theme is French of course “oo la la”. If you would like to join us please see Joan 07873390944.
Love Speaks
Love Speaks (Messages to the Heart)
By Mary Harrington
Love Speaks is a timely book, appearing at a time when all God’s people are asked to embark on a spiritual journey marked by two important elements: listening and sharing. This journey is the synodal path that Pope Francis has proposed for our times so that the Church can listen profoundly to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. However, an aspect of this listening which can too often be neglected is attentiveness to the inner voice in our own hearts, that still small voice of the Spirit in us. Our author has shared generously the fruits of such attentive listening and by so doing invites us to ponder the words of love that sustains our journey in the spiritual life.
I received a very generous M & S gift voucher for my recent birthday, but the donor did not sign it. If anyone can tell me who the donor is, please phone 01323 483504. Many thanks from Margaret (N).
Sea Sunday 2024
Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions. Sea Sunday is Sunday 14th July. It is when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Your support will make a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need. You can donate in church, by visiting, or by texting ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5. This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris to continue its important work, so please give generously. Thank you.
Margaret Nevill
Margaret Nevill would like to thank the parishioners of St George for their lovely card, kind Birthday wishes and very cute present. Margaret and family are looking forward to a lovely weekend with their Hungarian relatives.
St Wilfrid’s
We urgently need more volunteers to help with keeping our beautiful church spick and span. We are looking for 2 hours of your time once a month. Even whole families could take this on as there are plenty of tasks children can be involved in. Please see Maria Hills at the back of the church on Sunday or ring on 07873759962. Thank you.