St Wilfrid’s Community Lunch at the Treacle Mine

St Wilfrid’s Community Lunch at the Treacle Mine – 12 noon on the 5th August:

After our very successful meal together in June, we have decided to have another on Thursday the 5th August at 12 noon at the Treacle Mine. If you are interested, please contact Joan tel: 07873390944.  We invite all our friends from St George’s and St Wilfrid’s and look forward to seeing you there. The latest date for confirming your place will be Sunday 1st August.  Please don’t leave it to the last date as I have to confirm ASAP with the management at the Treacle Mine. Thank you.

Sea Sunday 11th July 2021

Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea.  Today’s second collection is for Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea), the Catholic Church’s official maritime welfare agency.  It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually.  For an appeal talk from Bishop Paul Mason, and a video showing some of what Stella Maris does, please visit  This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris to continue its important work.  To donate, please visit or text ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5. Stella Maris is dependant on voluntary donations, so please give generously.  Thank you.

Deacon John Writes

Saint Oscar Romero (canonized 14 October, 2018, by Pope Francis) is an outstanding example of being a true witness of Christ. When he was made Archbishop of El Salvador in 1997, Romero was a conservative. But he soon changed when he saw what was happening. Every Sunday he preached at the Cathedral. His homilies so electrified the country that national affairs halted when he spoke from the altar. He made public the unspeakable crimes being committed by many agents of the government. He was under constant threat of death. Some of his best friends were murdered. And still he would not be silenced. Nor would he go into hiding or exile. “At the first sight of danger the shepherd cannot run and leave the sheep to fend for themselves. I will stay with my people,” he said. He was shot in March 1980 while saying Mass. According to Romero, staying in the open and bearing direct witness to the Truth Jesus IS didn’t take courage. All it took was the understanding that his enemies dwelt in fear, and the fact that he was not afraid of them, to take away any power they thought they had over him. They might be able to kill his body, but they would not and could not kill his soul. There is also a story of a Protestant minister who, during the genocide in Rwanda (1994), sheltered Tutsis in his house. When a mob arrived at his door and ordered him to release them, he refused to do so. They shot him and took the people away. Even though we may not aspire so such heights of heroism, people like these are an inspiration to us. (Flor McCarthy)

Fr Rory Writes

Our destination:  When God’s glory is revealed, then our joy will be full.  This is the true hope that is within us.  Now we are on a daily journey with the prayer Jesus left us “give us this day our daily bread”.  As we continue to live our lives with the virus having a major impact, it is important that we are careful even cautious, as we respond to the guidelines that are given.  But we must also be positive and hopeful placing proper trust and confidence in God’s providence.  I am deeply aware of the injury and damage that has been done to mental health and the barriers placed to compassion.  Please God, a return to the sacraments, especially to the mass, and events that support our community will now be positive. 

The celebration of First Holy Communions, Reconciliation and Confirmation have been moments like a silver lining on the clouds.  A profound witness has been lighting of baptismal candles.  It is the expression of faith “this light has been entrusted to you to be kept burning bright, your child has been enlightened by Christ to walk in the light of Christ”.  The occasional request to celebrate marriage and baptism our hope that the life of faith will go on.  Initial suggestion, meetings, outings for meals are beginning to take place.  I have organised that I have regular testing for the coronavirus and I am willing to visit, and to respond to requests and to encourage and encourage us to return to life as a parish community.  Suggestions for house masses, special prayers for healing, rosary and devotions or just a special hello, how are you after this time? and any other suggestions that might be helpful after this time.


CCRS – The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) is beginning again in our Diocese this September. The course is designed for teachers in Catholic schools, for Catechists and for anyone who would like to grow in understanding as they live their Catholic faith.  The CCRS offers a very flexible and accessible way of learning, it includes some online content and is made up of eight modules: six core and two specialist modules. Each module involves ten hours of course time and an assignment.  For more information or to register your place please contact our Formation Adviser

New Colour and Shape Website launch! Mass resources for families

NEW Colour and Shape website launch! Mass resources for families.

Colour and Shape developed over the pandemic providing a weekly video liturgy for families to use at home during lockdown. This video – Connect Sunday – has now changed into a new shorter format, along with a set of accompanying resources on a brand new website. Head over to to check out the resources reflecting on the Sunday Gospel each week, plus links to Spotify playlists, ideas on how to pray together as a family, and information on how to join the online community supporting families.   

The Open Cloister at Worth Abbey

The Open Cloister @ Worth Abbey:

Desert Wisdom: the power of thoughts – Online Day Retreat led by David Clayton & Michael Woodward

Saturday 24th July 2021.  10am-4:30pm

Evagrius (b.345) is honoured as ‘one of the most important names’: come & see why his teaching lives. . . To book your place online go to For further information email [email protected]

St George’s First Communion Breakfast

St George’s First Communion Breakfast: This will be held on Sunday July 25th after mass.   All the children will enjoy a party breakfast together for this occasion with our three First Communion Candidates attending in their communion outfits and receiving their certificates at Mass that morning.

The First Communion Mass for three St George’s Children

The First Communion Mass for three St George’s Children took place on Sunday 27th June, it was a wonderful occasion enjoyed by all those who attended in person and from afar by watching it on the livestream.  The service is still available to watch by going to the online mass recordings on our website,  Being able to livestream was so important to the families, especially at this time as it enabled family and friends in India and Catalan to be at the celebration mass.

During the mass the children had their Baptism candles relit and passed on to them by their fathers to show how they are now taking forward the light of Christ within them

Our thanks go to all who made this such a special occasion: Father Rory for his spiritual leadership of the families, children and their catechists in the preparation for the sacrament;  the Catechists Mary Burbage, Marie and Cathy for teaching and preparing the children over many weeks; Mary Lou, Shirley and Anne who all sang beautifully bringing this special ministry back into our church once more; Thomas and Alen who took time to prepare in advance and manage on the day the great responsibility of filming the service ensuring the sound quality was the best we could achieve with minimal equipment; Cathy, Trevor and Anne who decorated the church with ribbons, bunting and lovely floral displays; and off course everyone who offered good wishes and prayed for our children and their families at this special time.