St George’s Children’s Liturgy will resume on Sunday 12th September in the hall during mass. All children primary age are welcome and parent/carers are welcome to stay with younger children if they wish.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
St George’s Remembrance Book
St George’s Remembrance Book – especially for the Celebration of Life and Faith mass, we will have a remembrance book available in Church from Sunday September 5th. If you or someone you know would like to have names added to the book please write them in or email the details to [email protected].
St George’s Celebration of Life and Faith – Sunday 26th September.
St George’s Celebration of Life and Faith – Sunday 26th September 9am Mass, will be a special Mass of remembrance of those we have lost, especially those lost during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will also be a celebration as our community returns to be together again. We hope as many parishioners as possible will be able to attend. After mass we will all gather in the remembrance garden where Father will bless the recently planted rose bushes in memory of all those whose lives we have celebrated during the service. This will follow with a celebratory breakfast, raffle and tombola.
Don’t let the celebrations end there – our children and their families are hoping you will join them to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying family games, bingo, quiz, and a lunch. More info to follow but please do put the date in the diary and let others know. All are welcome.
Please RSVP – For catering purposes we would benefit from knowing numbers so please RSVP via the list at the back of church or call/text Sandra on 07791 627368.
St Wilfrid’s Children’s Liturgy
St Wilfrid’s Children’s Liturgy will commence weekly from 5th September, we are very happy to welcome two new catechists, Angie and Dawn as well as welcoming back Teresa and Annette, we would still love to have help with this rewarding aspect of our parish, as the youth are our future and have a lot to give and to learn. we are also commencing our family masses once a month at the end of the month. The first will be the very popular Harvest Mass.
Harvest Family Mass – is on 26th September at 10.30. Our main projects are for Cafod and the Hailsham Food Bank.
St Wilfrid’s First Communion Preparation
St Wilfrid’s is now inviting parents to enrol their children in our First Holy Communion Programme for 2021. In our Diocese, the usual age for receiving this Sacrament for the first time is 8 years of age (children in Year 3 or above.) There will be an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 29th at 6.30pm in the church hall, with a view to starting lessons in October.
Please contact Annette Wake 07839571916, [email protected] or Teresa Palmer on 07951082592, tpalmer2205@gmail before September 22nd to reserve your child’s place.
Deacon John Writes
Presence” is more important than anything else in the Bible. When people say, “God was present,” the Bible chimes, “If God is not present, nothing is worthwhile.” This is a story about ‘presence’.
In the United States, the American Indian tribes, especially the northern tribes, had the custom of initiating their sons. Boys would be about eleven years old and what they were to do is their father would take their hand and bring them out into a forest, a deep and dense forest.
And he would have a little opening in the forest and he would sit his son down and he’d give him a shield. And he gave him a sword and he gave him nothing else.
And he said, “Now, you are about to become a man and this is where you’re going to defend. With your shield and your sword, you will defend us from all the evil things that live in this forest and all the terrible things that can happen with wild animals overrunning the Indian reservation,” and going on and on in this way.
And the little boy would be looking back into his father’s face.
And his father would leave him.
And then the little boy would sit down and he’d keep watch.
And the minutes passed and the hours passed and the darkness deepened and the howling of wild animals all around him, and he would sit there and he would look.
And then he would get up. And he paced back and forth. And he would be frightened, but he was a man now, he was not allowed to cry for help.
And so he did all night long until finally the sun goes up and his father came back. And his father took him in his arms — and the little boy was so happy — and he said, “Now, my child, you are now a man. You have stood up to defend your people in the terrible darkness and did not run away.”
(To be continued next week when we are told what the father was doing)
A message from Margaret & Charles
A heartfelt “thankyou” to all our friends at St George’s Church for a wonderful surprise breakfast party last Sunday. The hall looked beautiful, and the food was delicious, thanks to a number of skilled cooks, bakers and planners, who worked so secretly! We were presented with beautiful gifts and cards, for which we thank you all. You welcomed us warmly when we arrived here 19 years and we have enjoyed warmth, true friendship and love from the whole congregation and Father Rory; leaving you all is hard, and we are moving only to be closer to our family in Newick, which not far away, so we can look forward to seeing you all again, both in church and on more social occasions. We will carry your love and friendship in our hearts. Margaret and Charles
Joke of the Week
Miss Holycheek, the Catholic Sunday school teacher, had just finished explaining the feast of the Assumption to her class. “Now,” she said, “let all those children who want to go to Heaven to see their Heavenly Mother raise their hands.” All the children raised their hands except little Marie in the front row. “Don’t you want to go to Heaven, Marie?” asked Miss Holycheek. “I can’t,” said Marie tearfully. “My mother told me to come straight home after Sunday school
St Wilfrid’s Celebration Mass
St Wilfrid’s Celebration Mass and Visit to our Garden of Remembrance where we had a very moving service:
Thank you Father Rory for making this celebration so special, Teresa and Annette for the Altar display and everyone for joining in and singing, something we have missed in lockdown.
Then after Mass into our hall for refreshments, beautifully set out and organised by our excellent team. It was so good to get together at last and enjoy ourselves in the company of our fellow community members. The adult tombola was well stocked and great fun. The money taken went to funding the food. The children’s tombola was great fun too, no profit was made as we had to pay for the prizes this time. Thank you everyone who contributed in anyway to our wonderful happy and successful day. Here’s to the next one, now we are up and running, still observing the COVID rules of course.
St George’s Church
It was lovely to see so many returning parishioners and welcome new members to our community at St George’s on Sunday. We are almost back to normal but continue to tread with care in keeping everyone safe. So good to see Alan serving on the altar again and great to chat with everyone afterwards too. A thanksgiving and remembrance event is planned for September. Details to follow.